Page 40 - Robeson Living Fall 2018
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          By Dr. Ryan Beck D.C. QNCP

          Fall is the time where the weather gets cooler, the leaves  promotes good vision.  Vitamin A also helps to form and
          change color, and EVERYTHING becomes pumpkin fla-     maintain healthy skin, teeth and bones.
          vored.  Coffee, candy, beer and even potato chips have be-
          come the trend that is called “pumpkin spice.”  But what  Estrogen  Boosting  Effects-  Pumpkin  seed  oil  is  full  of
          pumpkin spice is missing is the actual pumpkin and all of  phytoestrogens.  When eaten phytoestrogens may affect a
          the health benefits that go along with it.  Pumpkin is a high-  person in the same way as estrogen produced by the body.
          ly nutrient dense food rich in vitamins while low in calo-  Positive studies have shown relief of hot flashes, prevention
          ries.  When eaten in one of its true forms, either pulp, seeds,  of osteoporosis and even treatment of acne.
          or oil it can not only be trendy and delicious but also very  Better  Sleep-  Pumpkin  seeds  are  high  in  tryptophan,  the
          healthy for you.                                      same amino acid that is found in turkey and helps with
                                                                the post meal sleepiness.  Tryptophan is also responsible
          Pumpkins are part of the squash family but are also classi-  for making Serotonin and Melatonin, which are both neu-
          fied as a fruit.  This delicious fruit packs a powerful punch,  rotransmitters that help you relax.  So as a bonus you will
          with just 1 cup it contains only 49 calories, 2.7 grams of  not only get to sleep better but it may improve your mood.
          high quality dietary fiber, delivers 245 percent of daily rec-
          ommended vitamin A, 19 percent of vitamin C, 16 percent  Immune Health Booster- Pumpkin seeds and pulp are high
          of potassium, and 11 percent of magnesium.  This bountiful  in both Vitamin C and beta Carotene.  These can protect
          combination of superfood can have major positive health  immunity by offering a boost to the immune system by con-
          effects on the human body.                            verting into Vitamin A and triggering the creation of White
                                                                Blood Cells that can fight infection.
          Feel Fuller Longer- Pumpkin seeds contain nearly 2 grams
          of dietary fiber per ounce.  Fiber rich foods help you feel  This fall remember that pumpkins should be incorporated
          fuller longer which helps keep your appetite at bay so you  into more than just your coffee or beer.  Incorporate it into
          can eat less overall.                                 your diet and your taste buds and your body will thank you.
                                                                If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of
          Vision Booster- One cup of cubed pumpkin contains nearly  our offices and ask for a free consultation.
          twice the recommended daily amount of Vitamin A which

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