Page 45 - Robeson Living Fall 2018
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commitment to our place of worship been strengthened be- and steadfast, in His love and mercy toward all those who
cause of the privileges that summertime gives us? will sincerely seek Him and obey Him.
The Psalmist David, in the Holy Bible, reminds us in Summers end gives us a reason, and a challenge, to re-
Psalms 74: 16-17 that it is God alone who controls the sea- flect on the days just past, and an opportunity to renew our
sons and gives Nature her marching orders. The arrange- commitments to our Creator and our local Church. Join me
ment of the seasons could only belong to The Sovereign in thanksgiving and praise for another great summer and
and Eternal God who started with nothing and brought forth all the opportunities it had provided. IF you can’t point to
the wondrous creation we call the earth. The Sun has been a time when you made an intentional decision to live your
placed in her proper orbit and lines up perfectly with the life in the will of the creator, my hope and prayer is that
moon and the stars to provide the earth a perfect diet of you will open your heart to receive Jesus Christ, God’s
darkness and light, heat and cold, rain and sunshine. This only begotten Son as your Savior. You will never regret
order finds it power and stability in the creator who said in that decision as long as you live. In every season you will
the beginning,” let there be light, and there was light”. This find joy and peace in your walk through life with Him by
perfect arrangement of nature has endured, and will forever your side.
endure, because it gets its orders from the Lord, who made
the heavens and the earth. Feel Free to contact me at (910) 734-8795 if you would
like an opportunity to speak to me personally.
All of us are probably guilty of making some critical re-
mark about the heat on a hot summer day. And, in like Visit our website;
manner we are tempted to complain about the cold on a
winter day. It seems we are never satisfied. Perhaps the Fall
season will again provide a welcomed bridge between the
two. What we cannot ignore nor deny, is the fact that God
remains faithful in every season. As sure as the summer
follows the spring, each and every year, our God is faithful
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