Page 44 - Robeson Living Fall 2018
P. 44

By Pastor Charles P. Locklear

          For many folks, summer time is the best time of the year.   mer months, knowing that our congregations will likely be
          Summer time presents opportunities for activities that or-  missing  people  every  Sunday  morning.  Our hope  is  that
          dinarily cannot be experienced during the other seasons of   when summer passes, our congregation will find their way
          the year. For children and young people, summer is a time   back to the church.
          of freedom. Freedom from the stress of school. Freedom
          from the dread of homework.  For adults there is the pos-  I am of course, “Happy” when people can afford to have
          sibility of freedom from the stress of a job. Even if that   vacations and time away from their jobs and all the other
          freedom last for only a few days. It is anticipated, planned   many responsibilities that most families deal with day after
          for, budgeted for and given a place of great importance on   day.  Even Jesus Himself, would take the opportunity to slip
          the family calendar.                                  away from the busy life he had come to know after entering
                                                                His public ministry, to rest and be refreshed. He would slip
          I love the summertime. But I am very much aware of the   away from the city and the crowds, but never away from the
          serious threat summer time holds, in relationship to our   presence of His Heavenly Father. His retreats never caused
          spiritual  lives and our commitment  to spiritual  matters.   Him to lose sight of Gods purpose and plan for His life. His
          Vacations and weekends away mean Sundays away from    time alone provided Him the opportunity for reflection and
          Church. After missing one Sunday, it seems easier to miss   renewal and would always lead to an affirmation of  His
          another. Even the faithful are faced with the challenge of   commitment to do the will of His heavenly Father. It chal-
          keeping our relationship to God  and our commitment to   lenges us to face the question of, what has the summer done
          the local church very much alive. As a Pastor of 40 years,   to our walk with God. Are we closer to Him because of the
          I join most other pastors in the dread of facing the sum-  wonderful opportunities summer has provided us?  Has our
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