Page 36 - Robeson Living Fall 2018
P. 36
Summer Camp Fun and Learning
at the Exploration Station
This summer, Exploration Station offered nine affordable eled from Imagination Station of Wilson, NC especially for
camps to children 5-8 years old. Registration began in early them.
spring and many camps were filled before the beginning
of summer. Each camp had a different theme: Community Showtime! Performing Arts Camp gave children a chance
Super Heroes Camp, D.I.Y Art Camp, Fitness Academy, to use their talents in singing, dancing, and acting. They
Super Hero Camp, S.T.E.M. Camp, Imagination Station watched a musical instrument showing given by Robeson
Camp, Science Camp, Showtime! Performing Arts Camp, County Partnership for Children, Inc. staff members and
and Amazing Animals Camp. on the last day of this camp, they adorned costumes and
performed The Yellow Brick Road for an audience of their
Multi themed camps gave parents and children to choose families and friends.
a camp they would be sure to love. Campers were given
a variety of experiences each week. In addition to special It is hard to say what the favorite camp was because they
visits from members of the community, fun games, artistic were all so very exciting. Perhaps, it was S.T.E.M. Camp
projects, and learning in the museum’s exhibits, they were in which campers built and raced Lego robots under the di-
treated to bowling at Lumberton Bowling Center, movies rection of Mr. Keenan Locklear. The children also split into
at the Carolina Civic Center, and water play on an outdoor teams and engineered a marble run. Each team competed
water slide and Godwin Heights Park splash pad. The chil- to see which run could collect the most marbles. Over one
dren even met, in person, some amazing animals that trav- thousand marbles were used for the competition. S.T.E.M.
Page 36 Robeson Living ~ Fall 2018