Page 32 - Robeson Living Fall 2018
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Blue Ribbon Taste
of Summer
There is nothing like hearing the satisfying sound of a
freshly popped jar of jam as you pull it out of the canning
pot. It is even better when you can spread that bit of sweet- By Janice Fields
ness on freshly baked bread in the middle of winter. You
may wonder how it can get better than that. What if you
could offer folks a jar of blue ribbon jam from the 2018
Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair? Consider entering
your jars of jam, jellies, preserves, fruits, vegetables, and
pickles in the fair this year. In addition to canned goods,
you can showcase all sorts of home and agricultural items
… your best baked goods, prettiest flowers, plants, cross-
stitch, garden fruits and vegetables, hand-crafted quilts and
clothing …. the list goes on and on. My dream is that there for the youth -- 5 - 8, 9 - 13, and 14 - 18. This gives more
are so many entries that they run out of space in the Exhibit opportunities for winning entries. Judging will begin at
Building. Did you know the Fair Board awards $100 to the 6:30 p.m.
adult and $50 to the youth who wins the greatest number of
blue ribbons in the home and agricultural exhibits? Not to This is a great opportunity to bring our communities to-
mention the regular premiums you receive just for entering gether and show support for local foods, our farmers, gar-
the items. deners, food preservers, bakers, crafters, artists, and so on.
There really is a little something for everyone at the fair.
Remember to bring your entries to the Exhibit Building
Sunday, September 23, 1 - 6 p.m.; Monday, September 24, For more information on the King Arthur Flour Baking
4 - 8 p.m.; or Tuesday, September 25, 4 - 8 p.m. It is sug- Contest, contact Janice Fields, Extension Family and Con-
gested that cut flowers and baked goods be entered Tues- sumer Sciences Agent with North Carolina Cooperative
day, September 25. Specific instructions can be found at Extension, Robeson County Center, at 910-671-3276, by
the fair’s website ( or in their 2018 Email at [email protected]. NC State Universi-
fair book, which can be found at various locations around ty and N.C. A&T State University are collectively com-
the county like the Cooperative Extension Center. mitted to positive action to secure equal opportunity and
prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless of age,
Show your support for the fair and have a little friendly color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity,
competition in the 4th Annual King Arthur Flour Baking genetic information, national origin, political beliefs, race,
Contest being held October 3. Mail your entry form and religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, and
recipe to Janice Fields at Cooperative Extension, P. O. Box veteran status. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of
2280, Lumberton, NC 28359. Or you may drop the form Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.
off at the Extension Center located in the O. P. Owens Ag-
riculture Center, 455 Caton Road, Lumberton. You may
also Email a scanned copy of the entry form and recipe to Appliance Parts & Repair • Used Appliances
[email protected]. It must be received no later than
5 p.m. Monday, October 1.
Bring your freshly baked, from scratch, delicious entry to 9886 US 301 North
the Fair Board Office in the Vendor Building after 4:30
p.m. and no later than 6:00 p.m. on the day of the contest. Lumberton, NC
Because this is the King Arthur Flour Contest, you must 910-739-4724 or
use their flour to compete. Either bring the UPC symbol
from the King Arthur bag of flour or bring the bag itself. 910-739-1866
Adults are asked to enter their best yeast breads and youth
their best cakes. There are three different age categories
Refrigerators • Washers • Dryers • Stoves
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