Page 42 - Robeson Living
P. 42
Winter Weather Blues
By Dr. Damon C. Blackley, DC
gin an exercise routine or keep up one if you have already
been doing one. Exercise is great at reducing anxiety and
stress as well as helping with some types of depression
It took quite a while to get here but I think that that are associated with the colder winter months.
the cold weather is finally here to stay this time. If you are I enjoy running outside on the street or on a trail much
anything like me, you long for the first signs of spring as more than I do on a treadmill, but this is a great alternative
soon as the temperature dips below about fifty. Other than when it gets too cold to get outdoors. You can also join a
the holidays, I do not really enjoy this time of year. And it gym or health club that offers cardio classes, water aero-
isn’t just being cold that I dislike (although that is a large bics, or weight training. In addition to the physical work-
part of it). I am much more of a warm weather person since out you will also get the added benefit of social interaction
I love to spend much of my time outdoors gardening, exer- which can help alleviate the blues.
cising, swimming and playing with my kids. I also dislike
that it is pitch black outside when I leave work. It feels like If you don’t have the money to spend on a membership
the whole day was spent indoors and there is nothing left to or a treadmill, there are other things you can do at home.
do but go home and go to bed. There are the tried and true jumping jacks, leg squats,
pushups, and crunches. You can also watch exercise or
yoga videos on television, DVDs or the internet. And then
Even though all of those things are true, that doesn’t mean
that I let the winter months get me down. And neither there are the things that you do every day such as climb-
should you. There are several things that you can do for ing the stairs and cleaning house. Just increase the speed
yourself if this is not your favorite season either. There are and intensity of your normal walk up the stairs or sweep-
some lifestyle modifications, dietary supplements, and oth- ing and mopping to get a light physical workout.
er healthcare related things that may help. Another reason people get the blues during the winter
months is lack of actual sunlight. Sunlight is critical for
One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to be- our bodies to be able to make vitamin D. Vitamin D plays
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