Page 44 - Harnett Life Spring 2022
P. 44

Sharing the Importance

                                      of Agriculture

                                           By Mac Malloy, Extension Field Crops Agent

      The days are growing longer and the temperatures ticking up.    Carolina  Agricultural  and  Technical  State  University  (N.C.
      For many, the thought of spring’s arrival brings a sense of re-  A&T).  Small Farms Week promotes the significant contribu-
      newal and happiness.  But did you know “spring in your step”   tions of small farms to our agricultural industry.  I am excited
      is not just your imagination? There is a little science behind that   to share that we have one of our very own Robeson County
      magical feeling.  Humans actually respond to sunlight through   farmers in the running for the 2022 Small Farmer of the Year
      hormonal change.  Our body responds by reducing the sleep   Award.  The formal announcement will be made on March 23
      hormone melatonin, and increasing the happiness hormone se-  at the Small Farmer’s Appreciation Program in Greensboro,
      rotonin.  Sounds like a great reason to celebrate to me!  In fact,   with watch parties available across the state.
      I would encourage you to join me in celebrating not only the
      beginning of spring, but also National Ag Day, coming up on   I invite you to think about ways you and your family can get in-
      March 22, 2022.                                            volved to increase your agricultural literacy.  Why do we think
                                                                 it is so important? We want to encourage increased knowledge
      Each spring, the Agriculture Council of America (ACA) calls   of agriculture and nutrition so individuals can make informed
      on businesses,  universities, and supporting agencies to pro-  personal choices about diet and health.  We also need informed
      mote national awareness that focuses on the importance of ag-  citizens who will be able to participate in establishing the poli-
      riculture. In fact, there are many efforts to make this a week-  cies that will support a competitive agricultural industry, in
      long celebration.  Although many American families are not   this country and abroad.   The pandemic  has brought much
      involved in agricultural production, it is vitally important our   awareness to the vulnerability and inequality of our food sys-
      society understands how food and fiber products are produced;   tem supply chain.  There is more work to be done to meet the
      the value of the essential role agriculture plays in maintaining   growing demand of feeding a growing population in a more
      a strong economy; and appreciates the role agriculture plays   sustainable way on less land and with less resources. It will
      in providing safe, abundant, and affordable products.  Not to   take the more than 98 percent of the US population who are
      mention all the career opportunities in the agriculture, food,   not involved in production agriculture to help meet these chal-
      and fiber industries.                                      lenges in the future.

      One of the ways this effort is recognized in North Carolina is   North Carolina Cooperative Extension is looking forward to
      through the promotion of Small Farms Week, hosted by North   sharing ways to engage with you as well.  Here are a few ideas:

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