Page 41 - Harnett Life Spring 2022
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late May and again in mid-August.  By the way, the soil re-  NC State University and N.C. A&T State University are col-
      port I mentioned earlier will give you the EXACT amount of   lectively committed to positive action to secure equal oppor-
      recommended fertilizer your lawn needs this growing season.    tunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless
      Another  not-so-well-known  fact  is the  eutrophication  (algae   of age, color, disability, family and marital  status, gender
      blooms) in lakes, ponds, and rivers caused by high phosphorus   identity, genetic information, national origin, political beliefs,
      has been shown to come more from overzealous homeowners     race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation,
      applying too much fertilizer - especially in subdivisions where   and veteran status.  NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of
      runoff is inevitable - than by the usual suspicion of farmers,   Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.
      who soil test regularly.
                                                                  ABOUT N.C. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION
      Mowing is another integral part of a properly managed lawn.   N.C. Cooperative Extension is a strategic partnership of NC
      Again, there is not one recommended height for every grass   State University, N.C. A&T State University, USDA’s Na-
      type.  Regular mowing with sharp and balanced blades will cut   tional Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA), and
      the grass cleanly and neatly versus tearing and leaving a ragged   local  governments  statewide. Extension  professionals  in  all
      appearance.  Frequent mowing helps reduce weed pressure by   100 counties, and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians,
      inhibiting seed formation.  Never remove more than a third of   connect  millions  of North Carolinians  with  research-based
      the grass at any cutting, and leave the clippings to naturally   information and technology from NC State and N.C. A&T.
      decompose, releasing their nutrients back into the soil.    Educational programs specialize in agriculture, food and nu-
                                                                  trition, 4-H youth development, community development and
      For more information and to access a turf maintenance cal-  the environment.  Find your local center at
      endar for your particular turf, visit NC Turf Files or call your   local-county-center.
      local  Extension  office.  For  more  information,  contact  Mack
      Johnson, Extension  Horticultural  Agent, at  910-671-3276,
      by Email at [email protected], or visit our website at


            • Enclosed                                                                             Quality

            • Dump                                                                             Built Trailers
                                                                                                     and a
            • Utility                          150 N. Walton Avenue                            Committment

            • Landscape                                Benson, NC                               to Excellence


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