Page 40 - Harnett Life Spring 2022
P. 40

Timely Turf Tips

                                       By Mack Johnson, Extension Horticultural Agent

      Living in the Sandhills, I imagine most of us have warm-season   and container boxes for the sample.  We can also help interpret
      turfs in our landscape, and they are brown and look pretty drab.   the report if you have any questions.
      Luckily the time to plan for a lush, healthy lawn is now. Every-
      one loves the feel of cool, soft grass under their bare feet, but   Our Coastal Plains soils are naturally acidic but many of our
      it will take a little planning to achieve a better lawn. We have   turfs prefer a soil with a neutral or more alkaline pH.  All our
      several warm-season turfs that grow in our area but the most   warm-season soils like a pH of 6.5 - 7.0, except for centipede,
      commonly grown seems to be centipede, by far.  We also have   which likes it a little more acidic, with a pH around 5.5.  This
      Zoysia, Bermuda hybrids, common Bermuda, Carpetgrass, St.   can be easily adjusted with the correct amount of lime broad-
      Augustine, and even Bahia.  All of these can offer a picturesque   cast over your lawn.  The lime application can happen anytime
      landscape when the correct cultural requirements are provided.   of the year, but should only be applied as a top dress to an es-
                                                                 tablished lawn.  The sooner the better though.
      The single most important step you can take to make your lawn
      healthy and happy is to submit a soil sample to the North Caro-  Fertilization is probably the most misguided and unintention-
      lina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services.  They   ally abused aspect of lawn maintenance.  In general, most of
      operate a soil lab in Raleigh that will test your soil sample and   our warm-season turfs require nominal amounts of fertilizer.
      provide a report on the nutrient levels present in the sample.    Secondly, each turf variety prefers fertilizer at different times
      More importantly, the report will include the pH of your soil.   of the growing season. One maintenance calendar does NOT fit
      The soil’s pH is important because the soil can be absolutely   all the different turfs.  For instance, I hear so many folks rush
      loaded with a certain nutrient, but if the pH is out of the pre-  to put out weed and feed to their centipede in March or early
      ferred range, the plant cannot take up that particular nutrient.    April.  Since this particular blend contains a pre-emergent, it
      Soil samples can be submitted for free April 1 until Thanksgiv-  is beneficial to get that part out early, but fertilizer applied on
      ing; it is $4 per sample other times of the year. If you decide to   centipede this early in the year can actually harm the crown
      take a soil sample, please call your local North Carolina Coop-  and vigor of the grass for much of the growing season.  Cen-
      erative Extension center for soil collecting instructions, forms,   tipede responds more favorably when the fertilizer is applied

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