Page 49 - Harnett Life Spring 2022
P. 49

As a child I learned basic etiquette.  “Please,”  “thank you,”   NC State University and N.C. A&T State University are col-
      “you’re welcome,” “excuse me,” and “I apologize” are phrases   lectively committed to positive action to secure equal opportu-
      I learned early in life and that cover a variety of scenarios and   nity and prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless of
      situations.  It is part of my basic etiquette tool box I use every   age, color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity,
      day.  It is a tool box I must remember not everyone has. Shortly   genetic information, national origin, political beliefs, race, re-
      after starting my position as a 4-H agent, I took a group of teens   ligion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, and vet-
      to Raleigh for a program and stopped at a family restaurant   eran status. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agricul-
      to buy them lunch.  I had maybe six teens with me, who or-  ture, and local governments cooperating.
      dered and we had polite conversation, excited to be out on their
      own (without parents) and enjoying the experience.  When the   ABOUT N.C. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION
      food came one child was shocked at what was put before her.    N.C. Cooperative Extension is a strategic partnership of NC
      She ordered hamburger steak and it was obvious from the tone   State Extension, The Cooperative Extension Program at N.C.
      in her voice when she said “What’s that?”, she had thought   A&T State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
      it would be a hamburger.  Quickly realizing the issue, I qui-  National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA), and
      etly offered to get her a hamburger instead but she declined.    local governments statewide.  Extension professionals in all
      What came after that was a tirade of utensils being misused,   100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
      mishandled, and ultimately flung across the table in frustra-  connect millions of North Carolinians with research-based in-
      tion because this child had never had to use utensils to eat. Her   formation and technology from NC State and N.C. A&T.  Edu-
      food had always been something she could eat with her hands   cational programs specialize in agriculture, food and nutrition,
      (fried chicken, sandwiches, hamburgers, etc.).  The other youth   4-H youth development, community development, and the en-
      did their best to help her with her utensils, because she did not   vironment.
      want adult help. I searched my brain on how this happened,
      and realized as a child my parents gave me these tools to help
      me through any social situation.  Not wanting another child to
      deal with this type of frustration, I realized there was a need for
      etiquette training, and we could set our youth up for success by
      offering it.
                                                                    OPEN DOOR MINISTRY
                                                                    OPEN DOOR MINISTRY
      So, every other summer, 4-H has offered a one-day etiquette   OPEN DOOR MINISTRY
      course.  We cover everything from greetings to dressing for
      success, electronic (and now virtual) manners, and yes table,
      manners.  We do it in a very fun and realistic manner.  We
      partner with a nearby resort for a multi-course lunch.  We have                         “For I Know The Plans
                                                                                              “For I Know The Plans
                                                                                              “For I Know The Plans
                                                                                                 I Have For You,
      the youth throw a mixer with adults at the end of the day, and                            Declares The Lord,
                                                                                                 I Have For You,
                                                                                                 I Have For You,
                                                                                                Declares The Lord,
      they figure out how to balance a cup of punch and a plate of                            Plans To Prosper You
                                                                                                Declares The Lord,
                                                                                              Plans To Prosper You
                                                                                              Plans To Prosper You
      appetizers while shaking hands and carrying on a conversation.                          And Not To Harm You,
                                                                                              And Not To Harm You,
                                                                                                Plans To Give You u,
      It is a fun day where the youth write a thank you note, gain                            And Not To Harm Yo
                                                                                                Plans To Give You
                                                                                                Plans To Give You
      some confidence, and walk away with a book we created to                                 Hope And A Future.”
                                                                                               Hope And A Future.”
                                                                                               Hope And A Future.”
      give them something to refer to as they get older.  I love when                            JEREMIAH 29:11
                                                                                                 JEREMIAH 29:11
                                                                                                 JEREMIAH 29:11
      parents tell me their child is now insisting the family sits at the
      table for dinner and is setting the table (getting out their book
      to make sure it is right), or starting to use words like “please”
      and “thank you.”
      As we continue to work with youth on manners, I think it is   910-532-2175
      time  to  put  a  little  more  emphasis  on  appropriately  saying       30 Day Residential Treatment Program
                                                                                30 Day Residential Treatment Program
      “you’re welcome.”  Because over time, as things change, one   Searching for a drug and alcohol rehab that is faith-based using God's Word the
                                                                                30 Day Residential Treatment Program
                                                                    Bible and Christian values? Open Door Ministry, located in Delway, North Caroli-
      thing is for sure - being polite and kind to others never goes out   Searching for a drug and alcohol rehab that is faith-based using God's Word the
                                                                    Searching for a drug and alcohol rehab that is faith-based using God's Word the
                                                                    Bible and Christian values? Open Door Ministry, located in Delway, North Caroli-
                                                                    na, is a Christ centered program that teaches freedom from a life dominating sin.
      of style.  So, if you are sitting there reading this and thinking,   Bible and Christian values? Open Door Ministry, located in Delway, North Caroli-
                                                                    na, is a Christ centered program that teaches freedom from a life dominating sin.
                                                                    Open Door Ministry is a 30-day residential program that teaches victory over the
                                                                    Open Door Ministry is a 30-day residential program that teaches victory over the
      thank you, please know you are welcome.                       na, is a Christ centered program that teaches freedom from a life dominating sin.
                                                                    flesh through Jesus Christ and the truths in the Bible. This is done one day at a
                                                                    Open Door Ministry is a 30-day residential program that teaches victory over the
                                                                    flesh through Jesus Christ and the truths in the Bible. This is done one day at a
                                                                    time through classroom teaching, victory cd's, personal soul care, chapel services
                                                                    flesh through Jesus Christ and the truths in the Bible. This is done one day at a
                                                                    time through classroom teaching, victory cd's, personal soul care, chapel services
                                                                    and work projects.
                                                                    and work projects.
      For more information, contact Shea Ann DeJarnette, Extension   time through classroom teaching, victory cd's, personal soul care, chapel services
                                                                    and work projects.
      4-H Youth Development Agent with North Carolina Coopera-            Pastor David Chestnutt  910-549-8130  [email protected]
                                                                          Pastor David Chestnutt  910-549-8130  [email protected]
      tive Extension, Robeson County Center, at 671-3276, or by E-       Office: 910-532-2175  Email: [email protected]
                                                                          Pastor David Chestnutt  910-549-8130  [email protected]
                                                                         Office: 910-532-2175  Email: [email protected]
      mail at [email protected].                              Office: 910-532-2175  Email: [email protected]
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