Page 20 - Harnett Life Fall 2021
P. 20

Breathing Easy

         Harnett County American Lung Association Better Breathers Club

      Living with lung disease can be easier.  Sponsored by the Amer-  The American  Lung Association  is  the  leading  organization
      ican Lung Association, Better Breathers Clubs are welcoming   working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing
      support  and  educational  groups for  individuals  with  COPD,   lung disease, through research, education, and advocacy.  For
      asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, and heart disease who   more than 115 years, the Lung Association has financed and
      have difficulty with catching their breath at rest or during activ-  facilitated research to treat and cure lung diseases; educated
      ity.  Caregivers and family of these individuals are invited to   to keep kids off tobacco, including e-cigarettes; and advocated
      meetings to help their loved ones learn better ways to cope with   for laws that protect the air we breathe.
      cardiopulmonary disease while getting support and knowledge
      from others in similar situations.    The Better Breathers Club   Why Join an American Lung Association Better
      of Harnett County is led by trained facilitators and cardiopul-  Breathers Club?
      monary therapists who give you the tools you need to live the   Better Breathers Club (BBC) members learn better  ways to
      best quality of life you can.                              cope with lung conditions, while getting the support and ben-
                                                                 efiting  from  the  knowledge  of  others  in  similar  situations.
      The Burden of Lung Disease                                 Better Breathers Club meetings offer a fun and stimulating
      Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the third   combination of guest speakers, problem-solving discussions,
      leading disease-related  cause of death behind heart disease   and social activities.  Trained facilitators and experienced car-
      and cancer.   The COPD death rates are higher among men    diopulmonary therapists answer questions, furnish resources,
      than women, whites, and individuals aged 65 years or older.    and provide tips to stay active and healthy.  In today’s world,
      States in the southeastern United States have the highest COPD   healthcare providers are extremely busy, and may not be able
      prevalence, with West Virginia at 15.3% (highest in USA), and   to engage in longer discussions and conversations  that help
      Virginia lowest at 6.4.  North Carolina’s COPD prevalence is   you to better understand your unique condition and symptoms.
      8.1%.                                                      Joining a BBC will allow ample opportunities to ask questions
                                                                 and engage in relevant discussions.
      The American Lung Association

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