Page 35 - Robeson Living Spring 2018
P. 35

Naturally  Allergy  Relief    Local  raw
          honey’s ability to prevent allergies is based on
          a concept called immunotherapy.  The bees in
          your region go from flower to flower collect-
          ing pollen that causes you to suffer, but when
          a you consume local raw honey, you also con-
          sume that same offending local pollen.  After
          consuming it over time you may become less
          sensitive to the pollen that previously caused
          problems and experience less seasonal aller-
          gy symptoms.  As the body digest the honey
          it also begins to desensitize the histamine re-
          ceptors so that you have less symptoms to the

          However, due to the risk of infant botulism, a
          rare but serious form of food poisoning, never
          give honey to a child younger than the age of
          1.  Be sure to remember that in order to get all the benefits  warmer weather especially the local honey!
          that are mentioned in this article the honey needs to be raw
          honey and even better if its locally grown raw honey.  I  If you have any questions regarding nutritional health ben-
          don’t know about you but I can’t wait to get outside and  efits feel free to contact me at our office.  Beck & Blackley
          start enjoying all of the things that come along with the  Chiropractic Clinic (910) 739-5751


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                       Lumberton                                                           Lumberton, NC
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