Page 23 - Harnett Life Winter 2018
P. 23
Allow me to offer you a different perspective. We had a get me in trouble…
customer just the other day make a comment to our cashier
as he was paying: “If I find this cheaper on the internet, If we match an internet price, then you have to promise you
I’m bringing it all back.” Well here is where my soapbox won’t step foot in our store. Now I know that seems a little
sits firmly under me… first of all, if that’s your mindset, harsh, but let me explain. (That is, if I haven’t made you so
keep it to yourself. Plus, how about not wasting mine, or mad you just threw your copy of the magazine across the
my skilled employee’s time? Without our professional room.)
showroom consultant, he would have had no idea what to
ask for, much less the model numbers. There is a cost associated with a professional, brick-and-
mortar store. Our products are displayed, and you are al-
So, when asked if we (small businesses, that is) will match lowed to touch and feel before you buy. There are no
internet pricing, I challenge us all to unite in our stance. smoke-and-mirrors of facades. You get what you see…and
And this is where I may be over stepping my bounds with- feel. There is also a trained staff to help guide you and an-
in the confines of this magazine, but I’ve never been really swer your questions. This is not something that can be done
good at keeping my opinions to myself. When posed with over a chatroom or a website FAQ section. At least not to
that price match question, we should ask that the consumer the same degree.
to meet a few criteria:
Also, in most cases the products you want, or need, are sit-
1-You must pay up-front, sight-unseen… ting on a shelf, waiting to be loaded in your vehicle. I can’t
When shopping on the internet, you often aren’t sure ex- begin to explain the time and money investment this takes
actly what you’re getting. from a small, locally-owned, business.
2-You must take delivery all at once. So, I hope I haven’t offended you, the reader, too much in
Especially in the building industry, we are often asked to my rant, but I could go on for whole publication’s worth
order in advance and warehouse your product selections of material. As you can tell, this is a sore subject for inde-
so that they are available at a moment’s notice. This is not pendent business owners. Ask next time you’re in one of
true for internet sales. these establishments, but be prepared for an earful. That is,
if you’ve heard my plea to visit your local businesses. The
3-If you have a warranty issue, don’t call us, call the man- extra, small percentage you may be paying is most likely
ufacturer. worth the difference. And in all honesty, a bargain.
I can’t tell you the number of times we have to be not only So, I will say it one more time…
the experts in sales categories, but also in installation and
operation of your newly purchased products. Good luck Shop locally…
calling Amazon with a performance issue. It’s like the
Wizard of Oz. There is literally no one flying the balloon. And thank you. You don’t realize the role you play in your
4-And last, but not least, and this one may be the one to
Harnett Life ~ Winter 2018 Page 23