Page 25 - Harnett Life Winter 2018
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          work best to sell your product or service. We will explore   and non-member tickets $40, Tickets must be purchased
          the features of well-known e-commerce hosts such as the   in advance as this is a catered event. Call the chamber for
          eBay Store, Shopify,, and Etsy as well as other   reservations.
          options for creating an online store. Seminar is free, RSVP
          required, call the chamber office at 910-892-4113       March 16th - Baseball & Softball Registration ends
                                                                  today at the Angier Town Hall, 8am-5pm.
          March 3rd - Angier Lions Club Annual Golf Ball Drop,
          10am, Angier Depot Grounds. Tickets are $5 each, 1st prize   Advertise your upcoming Events - There is
          $500, 2nd prize $100. Proceeds go to help qualified individ-  no charge to place your event on the Calendar of Events
          uals receive eye exams and glasses. Contact a member for   pages.  Church  events,  civic  events,  golf  tournaments,
          tickets. 919-669-4307.                                  fund raisers, etc. Email your events to Jane@cfmgroup-
          March 6th - Angier Chamber of Commerce  62nd An-
          nual  Chamber  of Commerce Banquet,  6:30pm  at  Barclay
          Villa, 104 Pope Lake Road in Angier, Member tickets $30

            Dustin Hinson Insurance Agency Inc.                           Rusted Shovel
            Dustin Hinson, Agent
            1109 W Broad Street                                                GARDEN & GIFT
            Dunn, NC 28334-4601
            Bus 910.892.7003   Fax 910.892.7263
            [email protected]
            NMLS#1239716  NMLS MLO #912429
             MLO License #1-155786
            Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there

                Top Guns - Bottom Prices
                         Buy - Sell - Trade                                  • Valentine Gifts  • Wedding Gifts
                                                                       • Simply Southern T-Shirts • Body Bath & Lotions
           All types of                           “Reputations          • Vintage Refinished Furniture  • Garden Gifts
           firearms and                           aren’t earned          • Bags & Wallets • Home Decor • Wreaths
             shooting                              overnight.
             related                              We’ve earned                            764 S. Raleigh St.
            products                              ours over 28                               Angier, NC

           106 Carolina Drive •  Dunn  Family Operated Since 1989 by                      919-275-9502
                 (910)892-1699         Dwight & Crystal Weaver
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