Page 18 - Harnett Life Winter 2018
P. 18

Pets with Disabilities Rescue

                         “Because their spirits aren’t broken”

                                               By Jane Parker Myers

                                                                 gave her water and she drank a small bowl and then stood
                                                                 up. She started walking and seemed okay, so we felt better.
                                                                 The  feeling  that  she  was okay  quickly  passed  as  we
                                                                 watched her fall into a ditch. She immediately got out of
                                                                 the ditch only to walk straight into a light pole. It was obvi-
                                                                 ous she could not see a thing. She continued to just walk in
                                                                 circles as we are deciding what to do about this poor thing.

                                                                 Taking her home was not an option as we have 3 dogs of
                                                                 our own and nowhere to put her. However, my husband
                                                                 quickly realized there was no getting me away from that
                                                                 church yard until the matter had been settled. Immediately
                                                                 I started talking calmly to her and calling her “Sweet Girl.”
                                                                 She responded in a loving manner but was very frightened.

                                                                 After some phone calls, a kind city police officer came to
                                                                 assist. Instantly, he also falls in love with Sweet Girl and
                                                                 she is tugging away at his heart strings too!! It was a Sun-
                                                                 day night and Animal Control was not open, so the officer
          We all have those moments when something happens that   finds an Animal Control Officer that was willing to come
          just makes your heart a pile of mush!! It is that moment   to her rescue. The officer picks her up so gently and puts
          that might take your breath away for a brief second or, it   her in the front of his truck. Now Sweet Girl is a healthy
          could be a moment that just has a lasting effect. When you   60 pounds at least!!! She didn’t put up a fight but just went
          least expect it that memory comes to the front of your mind   along with all that was going on around her without seeing
          and you just smile or a tear might roll down your cheek.  a thing.

          One of those such moments happened to me a few months   After going home, I just could not sleep as I tossed and
          ago. My husband and I were leaving church on a Sunday   turned all night. The next day I went to the Animal Shel-
          night when we spotted a beautiful dog lying by the road.   ter to check on her. When I opened the door to go to the
          At first glance we thought maybe a car had hit her. Once   kennel room all the dogs stood and started barking. Sweet
          we got closer we were just trying to figure out if she was   Girl just lay there as if she were defeated and why would
          friendly. It was one of those hot summer days when you   anyone come to visit her and take her home? After all, she
          just could not cool off and she was panting so hard. We   couldn’t see a ball to chase it. And her owner may have

          Page 18                                                                           Harnett Life~ Winter 2018
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