Page 17 - Harnett Life Winter 2018
P. 17

see so many people who were so hungry for God’s word.
          After the two-day conference on Friday and Saturday, Sun-
          day found pastors splitting up, with each one conducting a
          different service in a different village. Later that day they
          came  together again,  holding a  joint  service  that  night.
          More than five hundred attended that service, with more
          than one hundred receiving Christ!

          On Monday the three men visited several local villages and
          taught and preached to the villagers. According to the men,
          they would go into a village and just begin preaching and
          singing, within minutes a huge crowd would gather to join
          in. “It was so inspiring to see so many people so hungry
          for the word of God” they said. The men shared stories of
          how the villagers would sing at the services, each song ac-
          companied by dances that were seemingly choreographed
          particularly for each song. There was even a video made of
          the three pastors dancing, but they emphatically stated, “It
          will remain unseen!”.

          Many amazing events were witnessed during the trip. Pas-
          tor Hunt shared a story of one particular young man who
          attended the service. “He was afflicted with some sort of
          condition which prevented his from walking upright” Hunt
          said. However, the condition did not seem to dampen the
          young man’s spirit. Pastor Hunt related how the man even     Pastors Chris Hunt, Sam Harvin Jr., and
          joined the other worshipers, praising God and dancing and                Charles Locklear
          singing on all fours. During the service the pastors prayed   Ministries  is on a  crusade  to  encourage  churches  here  to
          over this young man, who then stood upright and walked.   join in to help financially support efforts to build churches
          “His walk was slow and shaky, but this man walked!” pro-  for the people of Malawi. According to Pastor Locklear, a
          claimed Hunt.                                         church building can be built for one thousand dollars. With
                                                                the help of Christians and churches here, we can make this
          Another story was told of a young village girl who had   happen.
          gone missing from her village. After an exhaustive search
          she was located far from the village in a graveyard, near a   Donations to Morning Star Ministries can be made direct-
          dangerous cliff, incoherent and unable to speak. She was   ly through their  website at www.morningstar-ministries.
          brought to the service by a friend, desperate for help. Still   com or can be mailed directly to Morning Star Ministries,
          bewildered and not speaking, the girl was believed to be   PO Box 220, Pembroke NC 28372. Pastor Locklear can be
          under the control of a demonic spirit. During the service   reached by phone at 910-734-8795. In addition to monetary
          prayers were prayed over her and she miraculously was   donations,  volunteers  are  also being  accepted.  If you’ve
          delivered from the spirit and became aware and began to   been feeling a “tug” at your heart to help others in some
          speak. “That was powerful to see” said Pastor Locklear.  manner, please consider joining Morning Star Ministries.

          “One of the most rewarding parts of trip for me was to wit-  “All donations go directly to Morning Star Ministries for
          ness the young children worshipping and accepting Christ”   use in the pursuit of spreading the gospel” Pastor Locklear
          said Pastor Harvin. “God worked mightily” he added. He   stated. “100% of all money collected goes to the ministry.
          particularly liked the interactions between villagers as they   Everyone working here is volunteered with no one being
          sang, clapped and danced during worship. “It was wonder-  paid” he said.
          ful to see the church members of tomorrow in such deep
          worship” he said.                                     Plans are underway now to return to Africa to spread the
                                                                good news of the gospel. If you think you might be interest-
          While  much was accomplished,  and miracles  abounded   ed in helping please contact Pastor Locklear.
          during this trip, there is much more to do. Morning Star
          Harnett Life ~ Winter 2018                                                                       Page  17
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