Page 12 - Harnett Life Winter 2018
P. 12



                          By Rick Myers

          “You’re In For A Brewed Awakening!”

          Over the past century coffee has become one of world’s most  At Inspirational Grounds Coffee House and Sweet Dreams Bakery
          popular drinks, with millions of cups of the dark, tasty bever-  in Dunn, owners Brent and Trena Norris know coffee. From their
          age being consumed daily. Recent studies have shown that it  business, located at 1208 North Ellis Avenue in Dunn, this husband
          may also have many health benefits as well. But, as many of  and wife team dedicate their time and effort to insuring customers a
          you may know, all coffee is not created equal! Brewed coffee  wonderful experience, whether just having coffee or indulging in one
          can vary greatly, with much of the difference coming before  of their decadent desserts.
          the  coffee  is actually  brewed. From bean  selection,  grind,
          roast, water selection and method of brewing, these may all  Inspirational Grounds was born out of Trena’s previous experience
          alter or affect the taste of the final product. Coffee is indeed a  working at a coffee house, a deli and a catering business. Through
          complicated drink.                                  several years of experience, as well as Brent’s background in Busi-
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