Page 25 - Robeson Living Summer 2021
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never end.  People who, in this life were different in a thousand
      ways, but who shared a common faith in Jesus Christ and who
      because of their Faith, were invited to the Homecoming in the
      city of God, which we call Heaven.                                           1 MILE FUN WALK IS FREE!

      For a variety of reasons, some Lumbee’s will choose not to
      participate in the Homecoming activities. Some folks just don’t
      like crowds. Some folks don’t like the heat. Some folks just            Saturday, July 3rd  @ 6:30 am
      don’t like nothing at all. But its ok. The Homecoming will go       Southeastern Lifestyle Fitness Center
      on none-the-less.    Let me extend to you an invitation to attend
      the Homecoming that God has prepared for all those who have
      placed their faith in Him.  He has a date for sure, but He has not                5K RUN
      announced it.  Make sure you are on the list so that you don’t
      miss out. There is but one way to the celebration.  John 14:6               $25 EARLY REGISTRATION
      Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no            $30 RACE DAY REGISTRATION
      man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  Accept the gift of Sal-        REGISTER ONLINE:
      vation today and live and die with the confidence, that you will       REGISTRATION IS FROM 5:45 TO 6:20AM
      be there, when the Homecoming celebration is held in the sky.    T-shirt is included for everyone Pre-registered!

                      Pastor Charles P Locklear
              Bethany Christian Fellowship, Pembroke, NC            5K Run/Walk in Honor of Diane Goins
                   Director, Morning Star Ministries
                       [email protected]
                     Facebook: Charles Locklear
                           (910)734-8795                             Contact Faline L. Dial @ 910-827-1005 for more information

                                                                          Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc.
                                                                                     Proudly Presents
                                                                      The 21st Annual Lumbee Homecoming Golf Tournament
                                                                          At Pine Crest Country Club, Lumberton, NC

                                                                                Saturday, June 26, 2021

                                                                           Format:      4 Man  Team    Prizes for 2 Divisions
         Buying-Selling-Property Management                                             Prizes for:
                                                                             1st place team            $ 240.00
                            582 Farringdom Street Suite B                    2nd place team            $ 160.00
                                Lumberton N.C. 28358                             $ 100.00 Hole Sponsorship Available

                                                                        (Entry Fee $ 70.00 Individual) ( Team $ 280.00) (Registration  7:30 am)
                                 (910)887-2389                                  (Tee off 9:00 am) (Lunch at 12:00 - 1:30 pm)

                            Brandy Collins - Realtor                     For More Information Contact:  Crystal J. Strong (910) 521-9761 Fax (910) 668-1259
                                                                             Roderick Locklear (910) 740-0842 or Lemark Harris (910) 374-7220
                            [email protected]                                     LRDA / Golf Tournament
                                                                                           PO Box 68
                                                                                        Pembroke, NC 28372
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