Page 62 - Harnett Life Summer 2020
P. 62
Why the Graves’ Disease Community
Should Focus on Eye Health
(Family Features) People living with Graves’ disease have a lot to Focus on Eye Health
to focus on. The disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes
an overproduction of the thyroid hormone, causes a variety of The first step is to understand your risk for TED. Primary risk
troublesome symptoms, many of which can happen with other factors include gender, age and smoking status. Women are
diseases, leading to misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis. Some five times more likely than men to develop TED, but men are
common symptoms include anxiety, tremors, heat sensitivity, at greater risk for more severe symptoms. The disease also oc-
weight loss, hair loss, change in menstrual cycle and irregular curs most often in people between the ages of 40-49 and 60-69
heartbeat. years old, and people who smoke are eight times more likely
to develop TED.
A related, yet separate condition that is important for people
living with Graves’ to focus on is Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), The next step is to observe the symptoms. TED causes in-
a serious, progressive and vision-threatening autoimmune dis- flammation and pressure behind the eyes that lead to symp-
order affecting up to half of the Graves’ community. In sup- toms such as sensitivity to light, a feeling of grittiness in the
port of Graves’ Disease Awareness Month, Horizon Therapeu- eyes, excessive tearing, swelling of the eyelids, redness and
tics and patient advocacy organization, Prevent Blindness are irritation. As the disease progresses, symptoms may include
working together to help people living with Graves’ under- eye bulging, eye misalignment and double vision. All of these
stand their risk for TED and how to manage symptoms if they symptoms can reduce a person’s independence, ability to work
appear. Spotting the signs and symptoms of TED early can help and self-confidence.
decrease the chances of serious, and potentially permanent, eye
damage. “The profound physical changes to my appearance were dev-
astating,” said Christine Gustafson, who has lived with Graves’
If You or Someone You Love Has Graves’ Disease, It’s Time and TED for more than 10 years. “I did not recognize myself