Page 59 - Harnett Life Summer 2020
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Along with the name change is a logo change to visually repre-  some cases, through a telephone call. This service is very ben-
      sent that Benson Health is an up-to-date medical facility with   eficial and convenient for patients: no transportation time or
      a fresh outlook on providing quality healthcare. The new logo   costs, no need to take off work or secure childcare, less chance
      incorporates the tagline of ‘Primary Care for Everyone.’ The   of catching a new illness, and less time waiting. Ask about a
      tagline is a strong, simple statement of exactly what Benson   telehealth appointment when you call our office at 919-894-
      Health  offers –  primary  healthcare  for  people  of all  demo-  2011.
      graphics, including all ages, backgrounds, economic statuses
      – literally everyone.                                      About Benson Health
                                                                 Benson Area Medical Center was renamed Benson Health on
      Massengill shared, “A main component of branding is an orga-  June 1, 2020. Established in 1979, the facility is a federally cer-
      nization’s logo. The imagery and color palette of our new logo   tified rural health center providing primary healthcare to more
      represents life and vitality. The logo emblem, which we com-  than 12,000 residents of Harnett, Johnston and Sampson coun-
      monly call a ‘flower,’ stands for five key elements embodied   ties and beyond. Benson Health has nine medical providers and
      by our organization: Community, Quality, Service, Innovation,   a clinical pharmacist. In addition to the mission of providing
      and Patient-Centered.                                      quality, compassionate care, Benson Health also serves as a
                                                                 training site for many future pharmacists, physician assistants,
      “The text treatment in the new logo using all uppercase, bold   and physicians.
      letters for the name symbolizes strength and longevity, while
      the tagline in initial case is descriptive and makes it easy for
      people to know immediately what Benson Health can do for
      them and their family.”

      In addition to the new branding, the non-profit organization has
      added new providers and now has 10 ready to serve you. The
      newest providers are  Dr. Robert  Matthews and Dr. Amanda
      Steventon. Matthews brings more than 35 years of experience
      to Benson Health with the last 11 years serving as a medical
      missionary in Africa. He tends to focus on complex issues of
      elderly people, but enjoys seeing patients of all ages. Steven-
      ton’s favorite aspect of serving people as a healthcare provider         One solution for oxygen at
      is the long-lasting relationships she forms with patients and
      their families. She particularly enjoys newborn and pediatric,           home, away, and for travel
      adolescent, and women’s care.
                                                                               Introducing the INOGEN ONE
      “Our providers specialize  in patients from infants to older             It’s oxygen therapy on your terms
      adults,”  continued Massengill.  “We’ve  also started  an acute
      care service so that established patients who need to be treated           No more tanks to refill. No more deliveries. No more
      immediately, but whose established provider’s schedule is full,            hassles with travel. The INOGEN ONE portable oxygen
      can be seen as soon as possible.”                                          concentrator is designed to provide unparalleled freedom
                                                                                  for oxygen therapy users. It’s small, lightweight, clinically
      Patients may continue to see the former name for a while as the             proven for stationary and portable use, during the day
      Benson Health providers and staff transition to the new name                 and at night, and can go virtually anywhere — even
      and new branding.                                                            on most airlines. Inogen accepts Medicare and many
      Acute Care Service                                                           private insurances!
      The Acute Care Service gives Benson Health patients with im-
      mediate needs the opportunity to be seen at their own doctor’s              Reclaim Your
                                                                                  Freedom And
      office where their medical records are kept and where they are              Independence NOW!
      familiar with the facility and the staff. Established patients will
      need to call for an appointment, but most of the time can be
      seen the same day.
                                                                                        Call Inogen Today To
                                                                                     Request Your FREE Info Kit
      The telehealth service allows our patients to visit with their
      provider through a video on a phone, tablet or computer, and in     1-844-295-5053

                                                                        © 2020 Inogen, Inc. All rights reserved.  MKT-P0108
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