Page 44 - Robeson Living Spring 2022
P. 44





                                                                             By Jessie Jones, Extension FCS Agent

      Here we are almost two months into the new year - where has   information, and recourses needed to reach your goal), Realis-
      the time gone! What kind of resolutions did you make on Janu-  tic (this goes back to starting with small goals and being some-
      ary 1? Have you stuck with those resolutions? If not, don’t feel   thing you want to achieve;  if you hate running, it wouldn’t
      the least bit bad - we all have good intentions that just end   make much sense to train for a marathon), Time-bound (goals
      up fizzling out. Good news is, resolutions can be made at any   without a starting point and deadline are much easier to put
      time. But let’s change our mindset - instead of making resolu-  off; indicate when you are going to start and when you want to
      tions, let’s set smart, healthy goals.                     reach that goal - special events make great deadline as long as
                                                                 they allow reasonable time to reach your goal).
      So how do you set smart, healthy goals? It’s really easy actu-  ●  When setting health goals, it is the overall pattern of choices
      ally - just keep these helpful tips in mind:               that count. It’s not just about eating healthy or being more ac-
                                                                 tive in the now, it’s more about making lifestyle changes that
      ●  You don’t need January 1 for a new start - goals can be set at   will benefit you long term. Again, it is helpful to start with
      any time. And be sure to write your goal(s) down!          small steps - if you want to be more active, start with walking
      ●  Start small and increase your goals over time. Lofty goals   for 15 minutes 3 times per week. Once your endurance has
      can become overwhelming and lead to unnecessary stress (who   increased, bump up the time to 20 or 30 minutes.
      needs more of that, right?!).                              ●  When making changes to your diet, go heart healthy by fol-
      ●  Create SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for Specific    lowing these guidelines:
      (the chances of reaching your goal go up if they are well-de-     1.  Balance food with physical activity.
      fined), Measurable (find a way to track your progress - through      2.  Choose a wide variety and eat plenty of fruits and
      an app or paper journal - as this will help you see your success                     vegetables.
      and keep you motivated), Attainable (be sure to have to tools,      3.  Choose whole grains.

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