Page 45 - Robeson Living Spring 2022
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4.  Choose healthy sources of lean, high-fiber proteins    NC State University and N.C. A&T State University are col-
                       (plant proteins, fish and seafood, and limit red and    lectively committed to positive action to secure equal opportu-
                        processed meats).                        nity and prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless of
              5.  Opt for liquid, non-tropical plant oils (e.g. olive      age, color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity,
                        and canola oil).                         genetic information, national origin, political beliefs, race, re-
              6.  Choose minimally processed foods rather than ul   ligion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, and vet-
                        tra-processed foods as much as possible.  eran status. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agricul-
              7.  Minimize intake of food and beverages with added    ture, and local governments cooperating.
                        sugars; water should always be first choice.
              8.  Choose or prepare foods with little or no salt - use    ABOUT N.C. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION
                        herbs and spices instead.                N.C. Cooperative Extension is a strategic partnership of NC
              9.  Limit alcohol consumption.                     State  University,  N.C.  A&T  State  University,  USDA’s  Na-
                 10.  Apply these guidelines no matter where food is     tional  Institute  of  Food  and Agriculture  (USDA-NIFA),  and
                        prepared or consumed.                    local  governments  statewide.  Extension  professionals  in  all
                                                                 100 counties, and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians,
      So whether you set a new goal on January 1 or you’re just de-  connect millions of North Carolinians with research-based in-
      ciding on your goal, you can be successful! The key for success   formation and technology from NC State and N.C. A&T. Edu-
      in decreasing clutter is to follow through with your plan to get   cational programs specialize in agriculture, food and nutrition,
      rid of things. An action plan is a great way to accomplish your   4-H youth development, community development and the en-
      strategy. For more tips and information on decluttering, contact   vironment.  Find your local center at
      Jessie Jones, Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent,   county-center.
      at 910-671-3276, by Email at [email protected], or visit
      our website at

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                                            Platters: * Broiled and Fried
                             * Great Land Lover Selections     * Great Sandwiches
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