Page 20 - Robeson Living Fall 2021
P. 20

Tobacco auction in Lumberton

                                                                  The depression hit the market hard 1931 found the average
                                                                  price of tobacco at $11.47.

                                                                  Fairmont  was  the  childhood  home  of  novelist  and  journal-
                                                                  ist Joseph Mitchell who worked more than 50 years at The
                                                                  New Yorker. Also notable for Fairmont was the election of Dr.
                                                                  Joy Johnson, a graduate of the Laurinburg Institute, who was
                                                                  elected as the town’s first black mayor.

                                                                  The first settlers in this area settled along the Shoe Hill Creek
                                                                  and Lumber River in the late 1700s.  The town was incorpo-
                                                                  rated in 1874 as Shoe Hill.  The town next had the names of
                                                                  Tilden, after an 1876 Democratic candidate for US President,
                                                                  and Quhele.  The name was changed back to Shoe Hill in
                                                                  1881.  In 1887 Captain William Black and Mr. William Jack-
                                                                  son Currie, Town Commissioners, suggested to rename the
                                                                  town “Mack’s Town” to honor the Scottish settlers to the area,
                                                                  the idea caught on and the name was shortened to Maxton.

                                                                  In 1912 the Carolina College for women was opened in Max-
                                                                  ton by the Methodists and was in existence until 1926.   In
                                                                  1928, its campus was reopened for the Presbyterian Junior
                                                                  College.  In 1962 it merged with Flora McDonald College to
                                                                  form St. Andrews Presbyterian College and moved to Laurin-

                                                                               Tobacco Auction in Fairmont
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