Page 19 - Robeson Living Fall 2021
P. 19

The earliest settlers were drawn to the dark waters of the river   Other physicians who attended include Dr. David McBryde,
      – calling it at various times Drowning Creek, Lumbee River   Dr. William G. Ray, Dr. F.O. Hawley, served as the first city
      or Lumber River.  Whatever name it has carried, it has always   physician of Charlotte from 1896 until his death in 1915; Al-
      been important to the development of the county.           exander Leach; Ben MacNeill; John Person; Angus R. Currie;
      John Charles McNeill in writing about the river said “writing   James MacNeill; Alexander Galbreath and Archie Galbreath.
      about the Lumber River, to a man who has spent his summers
      in dalliance with her, is like writing about his sweetheart.  She   Two other first for Robeson County were the creation of the
      is subject to change and as teasing as any girl that goes; and no   first rural health department in the country in 1911 and in 1929
      human angel ever possessed more variable hues and tints and   the creation of the first county manager-commissioner govern-
      shadows in her misty eyes than this unconscious flirt.”    ment in country with Hadden Mclean.

      In the late 18th and the 19th centuries, the lumber and naval   In the 1896 Branson directory there were sixty-one towns list-
      stores industries were very important  to the region, and the   ed in the county.  They ranged from Lumberton with a popula-
      river was a vital route for transporting products of these indus-  tion of 1200 to communities like Nye and Charm each with 20
      tries. One-hundred-foot logs were rafted downriver to George-  residents.  Many of the communities are now only a memory
      town, South Carolina. The Lumber River was designated as a   while others still retain the small-town flavor that makes them
      National Wild and Scenic River and is part of the North Caro-  so pleasant to live in.  Robeson County has been predominant-
      lina Natural and Scenic River System.                      ly a rural and agrarian county, with just enough urban develop-
                                                                 ment to make it a pleasant and convenient home to so many
      The Lumber River was replaced as a main source of transporta-  who love it.
      tion by the railroads. The first crossing the county east to west
      before the Civil War. In the mid 20th century, with the intro-  Lumberton
      duction of automobiles roads became more important. High-  The year after the General Assembly formed Robeson County
      way 301 and then Interstate 95 and Highway 74 came to serve   from Bladen, John Willis proposed a plan to divide part of his
      the county residents and visitors.  They offer vital arteries to-  plantation along the Lumber River.  His proposition included
      day for commerce and pleasure and are key to the economic   a donation of land for the town square with 130 half-acre lots
      health of the region.                                      being sold by lottery.  That same town square has been the site
                                                                 of all four of the county’s courthouses. Lumberton was the site
      Education has always been important to Robesonians, and we   of the oldest school in the County; the Lumberton Academy
      are home to two first during the 1800s.                    was organized in 1791.

      In 1841, John Gilchrist, Jr. and others felt that the educational   An 1884 publication notes the town, “one of the prettiest in
      needs of the young ladies of the Robeson County area were not   the state,” with a population of 1200, 20 stores, five churches,
      being filled.  Their answer was the founding of Floral College,   sawmills, turpentine distilleries, and four hotels.  Land could
      the first female college in the state to confer degrees.   John   be purchased for as little as $5 per acre.
      was the first UNC graduate from Robeson County and after
      college began a law practice.  He soon found lawyers and their   As the calendar  turned to the 1900s Lumberton  saw rapid
      practices distasteful and declared that if this were their manner,   growth of the railroad, tobacco and textile industries.  Always
      he would spend his few days as an obscure farmer.  The college   proud of the downtown business district, residents have begun
      was located on the property of Gilchrist near Floral College   a revitalization effort to restore it to the glory days.
      thrived until the beginning of the Civil War when it closed. It
      opened after the war and thrived a few years but was closed   Fairmont
      and auctioned in 1872.
                                                                 The town of Fairmont was first known as Ashpole and incor-
                                                                 porated in 1899 as Union City. The first town lots were sold in
      Edenborough  Medical  College  was  chartered  February  26,
      1867,  by  the  North  Carolina  General Assembly  as  the  first   1899 and the name was changed to Fairmont in 1907.
      medical college in the state.  The Act of Incorporation allowed
      Dr. Hector McLean to confer degrees and grant diplomas to   Known as the tobacco capital of the county, the first tobacco
      its graduates to practice medicine in any of the counties of the   warehouse opened in 1899.  The year 1978 marked seventy-
      State.  He attended the University of Louisville about 1840.  It   nine years of Fairmont’s tobacco markets.  At that time, they
      is believed that Dr. McLean was training students before the   boasted 24 modern warehouses and eight pack houses  that
      Civil War since it is known that Dr. G.C. McGregor learned   were shipping a million pounds of tobacco a day.  They held
      under Dr. McLean before he moved from North Carolina to    the world’s largest flue-cured tobacco market by population.
      Texas in 1852.  Once in Texas Dr. McGregor helped establish   In 1919 they sold 6,998,393 lbs of tobacco at an average price
      the first society of physicians in that state.             of $26.34 and by 1978 they sold 33,950,792 lbs at an average
                                                                 price of $137.60.
       Robeson Living ~ Fall 2021                                                                                Page 19
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