Page 12 - Harnett Life Spring 2022
P. 12

CCCC among colleges to receive

                          bioprocessing equipment

                                                                 ment,  coupled  with  the  Educational  Modules,  will  give  stu-
                                                                 dents the skills they need to succeed in the bioindustrial manu-
                                                                 facturing workforce.”

                                                                 This equipment was donated to community and technical col-
                                                                 leges through a selective fellowship process, according to the
                                                                 news release. Fellowship participants will use the equipment in
                                                                 their classrooms and have the opportunity to collaborate with
                                                                 other fellows on applications and curriculum over the course of
                                                                 the two-year program.

                                                                 “This equipment will make a significant and valuable impact
                                                                 for community and technical colleges,” said Thomas Tubon,
                                                                 Chief  Workforce  Development  Officer  at  BioMADE  in  the
                                                                 news release. “Many companies are struggling to fill biomanu-
                                                                 facturing jobs right now. This equipment will help train and
                                                                 prepare students to fill much-needed roles. Together, we are
                                                                 strengthening the foundation of the biomanufacturing work-

                                                                 Dr. Brenda Grubb, of the CCCC Biotechnology faculty, said
                                                                 the college is happy to be selected to receive the SBI Biopro-
                                                                 cessing Equipment and to incorporate it into the BPM 112 Up-
                                                                 stream Bioprocessing course this fall. “This course introduces
                                                                 cell growth and fractionation techniques, and topics include
                                                                 fermentation theory and application and cell harvesting. Fer-
                                                                 mentation is a commonly used microbial bioprocess. Biomass
                                                                 monitoring in the SBI shaker flask system will allow students
                                                                 to do non-invasive monitoring of growth in real-time. Using
                                                                 this equipment and software will facilitate achieving several
          Dr. Brenda Grubb, of the Central Carolina Community    course objectives, including generating experimental data to
          College Biotechnology faculty, says the college is excited   use in presentations of scientific information. Students will be
         to receive the free state-of-the-art bioprocessing equipment   able to generate detailed growth profiles of organisms in cul-
         through the Scientific Bioprocess Inc. Digitally Simplified   ture, simulating the fermentation process used in bioreactors
        Bioprocessing Fellowship that will be used to teach students   by biopharmaceutical companies. We are very excited to use
              both theory and practical hands-on technology.     this equipment to teach our students both theory and practical
                                                                 hands-on technology,” said Dr. Grubb.
        Central Carolina Community College is among the commu-
        nity and technical colleges that will receive free state-of-the-art   The CCCC Bioprocess Technology program provides the theo-
        bioprocessing equipment through the SBI Digitally Simplified   retical background and hands-on experience for students seek-
        Bioprocessing Fellowship, according to a news release from   ing a career in biopharmaceutical  manufacturing  as well as
        Scientific Bioprocess, Inc. (SBI) and BioMADE.           provide current pharmaceutical employees the opportunity for
                                                                 promotion and bachelor’s degree transfer. Learn more about
        “We’re so pleased to donate this equipment to community col-  this program at
        leges in order to help create a skilled workforce,” said John
        Moore, President of SBI, in the news release. “The bioindus-  For  more information on  Central Carolina Community Col-
        trial manufacturing industry needs employees who are trained   lege – which is dedicated to providing pathways to achievable
        to use equipment like bioreactors and shake flasks. Our equip-  dreams, visit
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