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Robeson County
                                              Partnership for Children,Inc.

                   210 E. 2nd Street Lumberton, NC 28358  • 910-738-6767  •
           Agency: Robeson County Department of  Agency: Robeson County Partnership for  Agency: Robeson County Health Department
           Social Services                     Children, Inc.                       (910) 738-6767
           (910) 671-3720                      (910) 738-6767                       A proven home visiting model offering parents
           Assists in making child care accessible and  Financial assistance is provided to child care  regularly scheduled personal home visits, group
           affordable to the families of Robeson County.   facilities to transport eligible NC Pre-K children to  meetings, and developmental screenings for
                                               and from approved NC Pre-K sites. This activity  children as well as a network of resources. A
           COLOR ME HEALTHY FOR SNAP-ED        ensures that children are able to attend a high  home/school/community partnership that begins
           Agency: Robeson County Health Department   quality learning environment to promote their
           (910) 737-5056                      overall development.                 at birth and extends to age five.
           Color Me Healthy for SNAP-Ed is a program
           delivered in child care centers, home child care                         PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES
           programs, and Head Start classrooms.  This  NURSE FAMILY PARTNERSHIP     Agency: Robeson Community College
           curriculum is used with 4- and 5-year olds and is  Agency: Robeson County Health Department   (910) 272-3446 or (910) 272-3444
           designed to show children that healthy food and  (910) 671-3225          Professional Development provides services for
           physical activity are fun.  This is accomplished  Registered nurses visit eligible women in their  licensed child care facilities in Robeson County.
           through the use of color, music, dance, and  homes during their first pregnancy and throughout  Services include professional development plans
           imaginary play to provide opportunities for physical  the first two years of their children’s lives.  to assist child care providers and center plans
           activity and to teach children about healthy eating.  The program is a statewide initiative following a  to assist child care directors. The Classroom
                                               national model that seeks to improve pregnancy  Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) and My
           DOLLY PARTON IMAGINATION LIBRARY    outcomes and child health through primary  Teaching Partner are also utilized. Professional
           Agency: United Way of Robeson       prevention. Additionally, the program seeks to
           (910) 739-4249                      improve the economic self-sufficiency of the  Development Awards are offered to eligible
           The Dolly Parton Imagination Library helps young  family through personal development goals.    participants.
           children develop pre-literacy skills by mailing free                     Additionally, Professional Development Services
           books once a month. All preschool children (birth                        offers a Praxis prep course to provide additional
           through five) that live in Robeson County are  PROGRAM COORDINATION, COMMUNITY  support with Praxis Core test preparation.
           eligible. A parent or legal guardian must submit  EDUCATION, AND EVALUATION   Individuals completing the prep course and
           an official registration form to the United Way  Agency: Robeson County Partnership for  successfully passing the Praxis are eligible for
           of Robeson County, 2512-A Fayetteville Road,  Children, Inc.             a monetary award.
           Lumberton, NC 28358. Registration forms may also  (910) 738-6767
           submitted online on the United Way of Robeson  The Program Department encompasses a variety of  READY, SET, GO
           County website:  methods aimed at increasing the capacity of early
                                               childhood initiatives and community awareness.  Agency: Riverbend Services, Inc.
           ENVIRONMENT QUALITY STAR TRACKS     Some of these approaches include data collection,  (910) 618-9260
           Agency: Robeson County Partnership for  information management, monitoring, evaluation,  Training and consultation is offered to child care
           Children, Inc.                      technical assistance, and training to support  providers on applying promotion, prevention, and
           (910) 738-6767                      effective implementation of programs and  intervention when working with children who
           Childcare facilities are made aware of the  strategies.                  experience developmental and/or behavioral health
           components of quality care to enhance their                              symptoms. The Pyramid Model and Cognitive
           facility using the Environment Rating Scales.  These programs also work to enhance community  Behavioral techniques are used to incorporate
           Assessments of licensed facilities allow for quality  collaboration and promote services funded by the  positive, problem-focused, and goal-directed
           enhancement materials. Technical assistance  partnership within the community.  interventions.
           and maintenance is also provided.  This activity
           provides an on-site resource center to all                               Child care staff are trained on using specific
           child care providers and caretakers of children   a partner in the       techniques that promote a healthy environment for
           ages birth through five years old.                 mart tart network  ™  children to grow emotionally and developmentally.
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