Page 20 - Robeson Living Spring 2018
P. 20
Children’s Bible Ministries (CBM), formerly named Chil- school-age children during various weeks of the summer.
dren’s Bible Mission, began its work in North Carolina in The full-time staff currently consists of Nolan and Bambi
the 1940’s. However, it wasn’t until 1955 that the work be- Eggert (since 2011), John and Chita Martens (since 2006),
gan in Robeson County. CBM came to the area because a and David Davison (since 2016). Rev. Keith and Sandra
believer among the Lumbee Indians, Mrs. Elsie May Blue Eggert (since 2005) are full-time associate staff members,
(Mrs. Thomas Blue), had a burden for the lost boys and and Mark and Katelyn Martens, Andrew and Moriah Willis
girls of her race. Mrs. Blue communicated with the CBM and Timmy Martens are all currently raising their financial
General Director, and after much prayer, CBM in Raleigh, support to join this ministry. The staff is also assisted by
NC sent Miss Grace Garthwaite to begin teaching Bible countless volunteers throughout the school year and high
classes to public school children in this area. “Miss Grace” school and college age students during the summer.
was well-known and loved and had an effective ministry
in Robeson County for 26 years teaching over 12,000 chil- During the year many volunteers park their RV’s on the
dren a month in the public schools until she passed away grounds and assist with Camp Grace. “We have a lot of re-
in 1981. tired individuals and seniors who are using their talents for
the Lord” Eggert states. Lots of work is done at the camp
In 2015, Rev. Keith Eggert (long-time associate staff by these individuals.
member) became the Interim Executive Director with his
son Nolan Eggert giving guidance to the daily operations None of the full-time staff members receive a paycheck
of Camp Grace. “Camp Grace is a non-denominational from Camp Grace. They serve as local missionaries living
camp, no child is turned away because of their religious on faith and supported by the financial donations of friends,
affiliation” said Eggert. family, and churches.
The full-time staff and local volunteers now work together Released Time Bible Classes
to teach Released Time classes at 28 local schools, teach- Camp Grace and its army of volunteers are currently minis-
ing about 4,000 children a month. Correspondence and tering to approx. 4,000 students in 28 local public schools in
Bible Lessons are given through the mail to over 500 chil- Robeson County, NC through Released Time Bible classes.
dren each month. ROOTS Outdoor Education field trips Released Time began in 1914 and since that time, thousands
are available for elementary age school groups. Activi- of children have come under the influence of the Gospel
ties and Retreats for all ages and families are scheduled through Released Time programs all across the country.
throughout the year, and Summer Camp is available for all Camp Grace began Released Time classes in 1991 when it