Page 77 - Robeson Living Fall 2017
P. 77

Glazed Autumn Leaf                      Roll dough on generously floured  Color from Nature - Assorted Food
          Cookies                             surface to 1/4-inch thickness. Cut out  Colors, 3 tablespoons water (plus
          Prep time: 30 minutes               leaves with 2- to 3-inch leaf-shaped  additional to dissolve color), 2 cups
          Cook time: 10 minutes               cookie cutters. Place on ungreased  confectioners’ sugar and 1 teaspoon
          Servings: 36 cookies                baking sheets.                     cocoa powder.
               2 3/4 cups flour                    Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until edges  Forest Green Cookie Glaze: Use
               1 teaspoon salt                start to brown. Cool on baking sheets  1/2 teaspoon Sky Blue color and
               1 teaspoon McCormick Ground    1 minute. Remove to wire racks; cool  1/4 teaspoon Sunflower color from
               Cinnamon                       completely.                        McCormick Color from Nature -
               1/2 teaspoon McCormick Ground       Prepare desired colors of glazes.  Assorted Food Colors, 3 tablespoons
               Nutmeg                         Decorate cooled cookies with glazes.  water (plus additional to dissolve
               1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened       Glaze Variations: For the variations  color), 2 cups confectioners’ sugar and
               1 1/2 cups sugar               below, dissolve the designated amount  1 teaspoon cocoa powder.
               1 egg                          of the Color from Nature Food Colors  Pumpkin Cookie Glaze: Use 1 tea -
               2 teaspoons McCormick Pure Vanilla      with water in small bowl. Stir in any  spoon Sunflower color and 1/4 teaspoon
               Extract                        remaining ingredients until smooth.  Berry color from McCormick Color
               2 teaspoons McCormick Maple Extract      To glaze cookies, hold a cookie by  from Nature - Assorted Food Colors,
          Preheat oven to 325°F. Mix flour, salt,  its edge and dip the top into the glaze.  3 tablespoons water (plus additional
          cinnamon and nutmeg in medium bowl.   (Or spoon the glaze onto cookies using  to dissolve color) and 2 cups confec -
          Set aside. Beat butter and sugar in large   a teaspoon.) Place iced cookies on wire  tioners’ sugar.
          bowl with electric mixer on medium speed   rack set over foil-covered baking sheet  Test Kitchen Tips:
          until light and fluffy. Add egg, vanilla and   to dry. (The foil-covered baking sheet  * Use glaze soon after preparing. Do
          maple extract; mix well. Gradually beat   will catch drips.) Let stand until glaze  not refrigerate glaze, as it will begin
          in flour mixture on low speed until well   is set.                     to harden.
          mixed.                              Maroon Cookie Glaze: Use 1/2 tea -  * Allow glaze to dry before storing in air-
                                              spoon Berry color from McCormick   tight container.

          Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes            rolls (Tootsie Roll), halved cross
          Prep time: 30 minutes             wise
          Servings: 24 cupcakes           Beat butter and vanilla in large
             2 cups (4 sticks) butter, softened  bowl with electric mixer on me-
             4 teaspoons McCormick Pure    dium speed until light and fluffy.
             Vanilla Extract              Gradually add confectioners’ sug-
             2 boxes (16 ounces each) confec   ar, beating well after each addition
             tioners’ sugar, sifted       and scraping sides and bottom of
             3 tablespoons milk           bowl frequently. Add milk; beat
             1 1/2 teaspoons Sunflower color  until light and fluffy.
            from McCormick Color from Na            Remove 2 cups of the frost-
            ture - Assorted Food Colors, divided ing into medium microwavable
            1/4 teaspoon Berry color from  bowl. Tint frosting orange using 1
            McCormick Color from Nature -       teaspoon Sunflower color and 1/4
            Assorted Food Colors          teaspoon Berry color. Set aside.
            1 teaspoon Sky Blue color from       Tint remaining frosting green   grass spikes.
            McCormick Color from Nature -          using 1 teaspoon Sky Blue color       To make the pumpkins, microwave the orange frost-
            Assorted Food Colors          and remaining 1/2 teaspoon    ing on HIGH 10 to 20 seconds or until runny. Using
            24 unfrosted cupcakes         Sunflower color. Spread top of   a fork, dip marshmallow halves into frosting mixture,
            12 regular marshmallows,      cupcakes with green frosting.   then place on top of frosted cupcakes. Let stand until
            halved crosswise              Using a fork, gently touch frosting   pumpkin frosting has dried. Press a tootsie roll half in
            12 small chocolate flavored taffy  in different directions to resemble   center of each pumpkin for the stem. Decorate leaves
                                                                        and vines with remaining green frosting, if desired.
                                                     Spiced Caramel Apple Cider        mel topping and apple pie spice, if
                                                     Prep time: 5 minutes              desired.
                                                     Servings: 4                       Flavor Variations: For the varia-
                                                          4 cups apple cider           tions below, use the following extract
                                                          1/4 cup caramel topping      in place of the vanilla:
                                                          1 teaspoon McCormick Apple Pie      Spiced Caramel Orange Cider:
                                                          Spice                        Use 1/4 teaspoon McCormick
                                                          2 teaspoons McCormick Pure   Pure Orange Extract.
                                                          Vanilla Extract              Spiced Caramel Maple Cider:
                                                     Bring apple cider, caramel topping and   Use 3/4 teaspoon McCormick
                                                     apple pie spice to simmer in medium   Maple Extract.
                                                     saucepan. Stir in vanilla.        Spiced Caramel Rum Cider:
                                                         Pour into serving cups. Serve topped   Use 3/4 teaspoon McCormick
 Robeson Living ~ Fall 2017                          with whipped cream, additional cara-  Rum Extract
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