Page 14 - Harnett Life Fall 2018
P. 14

His Daily Bread

                   Community Ministries

          Pictured Ablove: Gale Penny, Shirley Allen, Dottie Tyndall, Judy Dean, Jeneal Wade,   By Morgan Brown
          Sherry Denning, Tom Fite, Sam Lumoindong

          If His Daily Bread Community Ministries could be sim-  They had to make sure that there was enough communi-
          plified and described in one sentence it would be this: ‘His   ty interest to get the program off the ground, so the three
          Daily  Bread  Community  Ministries  provides  hot  meals   women  spread  the  word  by  taking  out  ads  in  the  local
          once a week to those who need them’, but one sentence   newspapers and ads on the radio, too. Penny said the ad’s
          would never be enough to describe just how much hard   message was simple enough, something along the lines of
          work and how many helping hands are involved in making   ‘We want to start feeding our community, if you’re interest-
          the entire process possible. One of the Ministry’s organiz-  ed, come Saturday morning’ and they were overwhelmed
          ers Gale Penny said she wanted to stress the fact that “this   by the response. Penny said the fellowship hall at Coats
          is a community effort,” that it could not be done without the   United Methodist Church (where she, Allen, and Tyndall
          support of the local churches and other groups involved.  were members at the time) was “packed full, standing room
                                                                 only, it was full of people wanting to do this.” She said this
          The Ministry began approximately eight years ago. Penny   was how they knew that the community shared their view
          said she had been volunteering in Raleigh once a month,   that a program like this was needed.
          involved in a group that would bring and serve food to
          homeless people there. She said she loved helping to feed   Penny said the original goal of His Daily Bread Communi-
          people  and  talk  with  them,  making  a  connection.  She,   ty Ministries was to “not only provide a meal” but to pro-
          along with Shirley Allen and Dottie Tyndall, decided they   vide GED education and computer classes, set up a clothes
          wanted to start a similar program in their own area.   closet, and to be able to provide groceries for families who

          Page 14                                                                           Harnett Life ~ Winter 2018
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