Page 12 - Harnett Life Fall 2018
P. 12

to say that she also enjoys “nonrepresentational abstract”   more commissioned pieces, her most recent being a large
          painting, too. “I kind of waver back and forth” between   abstract painting done for Benson Area Medical Center.
          the two, she said. Her love of figure work and portraits   She’s also had some of her artwork displayed at The Cellar
          came from her favorite artist John Singer Sargent, a distin-  in Dunn, where there are still a few pieces being displayed
          guished figurative and portrait painter from the mid-1800s.   currently.
          Out of all her paintings, Yates said her favorite creation is
          a portrait of a man she saw in downtown Richmond, VA   The beauty of her work comes from the intricacies of the
          “and thought he was a really interesting subject.” She had   brush strokes, the consideration put into where the paint
          her brother take photos of the man for reference, and said   should be applied to the canvas: the depth in the details of
          “I knew he couldn’t have stood there for me to draw him”   the portraits that bring them to life, the way the abstract
          so using the photographs her brother took, after a couple   pieces provoke thought because no matter what the work
          months of work, the painting of ‘Ronald Reagan’ was com-  is titled, its interpretation is subjective based on the person
          plete. “I don’t think that’s his real name but that’s what he   viewing it.
          told me his name was,” she said laughingly.
                                                                 Yates  said  initially  she did not have  a studio when she
          Yates has been living in the area for around a year and   moved from Virginia to North Carolina, and said “I don’t
          a half, originally from Richmond,  Virginia.  Working as   like the starting and stopping” that was involved with not
          burgeoning artist in Richmond, Yates said “I started doing   having a designated space to paint. “Once I get started, I
          murals for people, and then portraits and things like that   don’t want to stop, and once I stop it’s hard to get started
          for people, and it kind of exploded from there.” She made   again.” For her working professional name she lists ‘Mary
          her way to North Carolina and the Dunn area in order to   Ellen Yates,’ but likes to sign finished paintings under her
          be closer to her fiancé, and they’ve been recently married.   maiden name, Zacharias. A characteristically North Caro-
          “My life is really starting to blossom here, I’m getting to   linian structure now serves as her art studio: an old tobacco
          know people,” she said and is looking to continue becom-  barn behind her home gives her the space she needs to con-
          ing more familiar with the area, meet new people, and ex-  tinue creating her art and perfecting her craft.
          pand her portfolio. Yates said she would love to take on

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