Page 40 - Harnett Life Spring 2018
P. 40
Living the
Abundant Life
John 10:6-10 ~ “I am come that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly.”
By Pastor even attempt to enter the Kingdom of God any other way,
Charles Locklear than by Jesus alone, is in fact the same as being a thief or
a robber.
What is it that has separated man from God? Why is it
even necessary to concern ourselves about a relationship
with God? Is God really that interested in man? What is
that prompts God to care about mankind? In the Biblical
account of creation, we discover that man was created to
live and not die. Man came from the dust of the earth with
A parable has been described as an earthy story, with a the potential of an eternal existence, never to know pain,
Heavenly Divine meaning. On one occasion Jesus shared sorrow, disease and death. Man was created in perfect Ho-
the parable of the good shepherd. His disciples would be liness and was destined for perpetual goodness, after the
familiar with the work and the duties of a shepherd, but on likeness and in the image of His Creator, God. Because
this occasion, Jesus recognized that they seemed confused, of man’s rebellion to Gods will, in doing exactly what he
or for some reason failed to understand the Truth He was was forbidden to do, all that was Holy, and full of peace
presenting. In a more plain and simple way, He explains and pleasure suddenly was changed to an experience of
that He has come into the world to make it possible, for sadness, hopelessness and fear. The abundant Life that
man to enter into the Kingdom of God. He has come to God had purposed for Man was now lost. The life of man
be the door that leads to a right relationship with God. He became one of constant challenge physically, emotionally
did not come to offer a way. He is in fact the only way. To and spiritually. Man seems doomed to a wretched life that
Page 40 Harnett Life ~ Spring 2018