Page 29 - Robeson Living Spring 2020
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They follow the Yellow Brick Road toward the Emerald City
May 17 - River Voices Concert Series, 3pm, First Bap- to meet the Wizard, and en route they meet a Scarecrow that
tist Church Chapel, 606 N. Walnut Street, Lumberton, NC. needs a brain, a Tin Man missing a heart, and a Cowardly
The River Voices concert series features music and poetry Lion who wants courage. The wizard asks the group to bring
composed/written by local Robeson County award win- him the broom of the Wicked Witch of the West to earn his
ning performing artists. Two of the pieces in the concerts help. Purchase tickets on the Carolina Civic Center Historic
were debuted in New York’s Carnegie Hall. The piec- Theater sight or at the theater’s box office. Call the theater
es will vary from Blue Grass to Classical, to Piedmont for box office hours.
Blues and Religious. Four of our performers just returned
from concerts in Washington, DC at the Library of Con- June 11 - Steve Owen and the Summertime Band, 7pm-
gress Concert Hall and the Kennedy Center Millennium 9:30pm, 111 E. 3rd Street, Downtown Plaza, Lumberton,
Stage. Our fifth performer comes from the University of NC. Alive after 5. Steve Owen and the Summertime Band is
North Carolina music program and is wonderfully skilled entertaining Lumberton at the historic downtown plaza with
on Saxophone, Clarinet, and Flute. All in all it will give fantastic beach music and a variety of tempos to make the
you the opportunity to hear Kennedy Center and Carnegie evening lots of fun! Bring your chair and enjoy an evening
Hall worthy performances right here in our own Robeson on the plaza. Food will be available for purchase and admis-
County venues. sion is free and open to the public.
May 21 - Painted Man, 7pm-9:30pm, 111 E. 3rd Street,
Downtown Plaza, Lumberton, NC. Alive after 5. Enjoy
an evening with soul and rock n’ roll music. Bring a chair
and plan to enjoy an evening on the plaza. Food will be
available for purchase. Free and open to the public.
May 28 - Band of Oz, 7pm-9:30pm, 111 E. 3rd Street,
Downtown Plaza, Lumberton, NC. Alive after 5. The
Band of Oz is performing at the Historical downtown pla-
za! Come and enjoy beach music at it best!!! Bring your
chair and relax, dance and just enjoy an evening on the
plaza. Food is available for purchase. Event is free and
open to the public.
June 4- Rivermist, 7pm-9:30pm, 111 E. 3rd Street, Down-
town Plaza, Lumberton, NC. Alive after 5. Rivermist is
performing at the plaza for an evening of amazing beach
music! The sound just makes you want to dance!!! Bring
your chair and enjoy an evening on the historic downtown
plaza. Food is available for purchase. Admission is free
and open to the public.
June 11 - Wizard of Oz, 7pm, (Recurring Event, see
website for dates) Carolina Civic Center Historic Theater,
315 N. Chestnut Street, Lumberton, NC. Directed by the
theater’s resident artist, Kendrix Singletary. When a tor-
nado rips through Kansas, Dorothy and her dog, Toto, are
whisked away in their house to the magical land of Oz.