Page 46 - Robeson Living Spring 2019
P. 46
Three years ago, Steve Britt, a landscape business owner, underwent heart bypass surgery at Southeastern Health
Heart and Vascular on the campus of Southeastern Regional Medical Center in Lumberton, which enabled him to
remain close to his family–wife, Amy, daughter, Taylor, and son, Christian–throughout the entire experience.
Gala supports a heart-felt
cause for Britt family
Lumberton resident Steve Britt, who is known in the com- tions for the gala said, ‘Is your heart in the right place?’
munity for his landscaping business, will tell you that God and I felt like it was time to share my story.”
put him in the right place at the right time three years ago.
Unfortunately, the time was the moment he learned he Britt, who had been working out of town, just happened
needed heart bypass surgery, but he feels very fortunate that to be back home in Lumberton the day that he first went
the place was Southeastern Health. to the hospital. He had been sweating, feeling pain in his
back, and his arms had felt weak, but he blamed the symp-
After his surgery in February 2016, Britt started to write a toms on a past back injury and the costs of getting older
letter, a sort of testimony of faith and way of giving thanks while doing the type of outdoor work he’d always done. A
to God and all the people who helped him through his heart cousin who works at the emergency room at Southeastern
surgery journey. He never mailed it, but he realized it was Regional Medical Center spoke with him on the phone
time to send it this year. about his symptoms and convinced him to come into the
“Once I heard that the 2019 Gala was to benefit the heart
center and cath lab, it reminded me of my personal experi- “She said, ‘You’re going to have a heart attack,’ and I
ence and how God worked in my life through Southeastern said, ‘You’re crazy,’ but I decided to go to the emergency
Health’s medical staff,” Britt wrote. “Some of the promo- room,” Britt said.
Page 46 Robeson Living ~ Spring 2019