Page 20 - Robeson Living Spring 2019
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Also at UNCP’s Bio Lab, research is ongoing by Dr. ages and supports the best assets in our region and makes
Leonard Holmes to grow beneficial nematodes to eradi- them available to you.
cate insect pests in agriculture fields and in home gardens.
COMtech is a great place to have your next business meet-
The Barber training school at Robeson Community Col- ing or team-building event. So give us a call at 910-522-
lege’s COMtech campus is hard at work training new bar- 9944 to learn more about all that COMtech has to offer your
bers to move out in to the local workforce and provide business. Or, visit us on the web at (www.COMtechBusi-
benefits to the communities they serve.
COMtech is home to a diverse collection of commercial
and industrial partners in healthcare, architecture & en-
gineering, education & training, and financial services.
The focus of COMtech is to grow and develop a premier
capability to support successful businesses within an in-
frastructure that will encourage new industry and man-
ufacturing to locate within the park, which will bring
meaningful, long-term workforce and economic develop-
ment to Robeson County.
The COMtech concept permits and encourages maximum
leverage of opportunities for apprenticeships; training and
retraining of employees; the design of unique programs to
support specific business needs. Our concept both lever-
"The premier business location COMtech is the perfect place to
in southeastern NC" host your business meeting /
training session / or all day event.
Call today to inquire about pricing
and options. 910-522 9944.
Visit our website to find out why
COMtech is a great place to be.
Phone: 910-522-9944
[email protected]