Page 55 - Robeson Living Fall 2019
P. 55

Turkey Pot Pie                                                               Barbecue St. Louis Ribs
            Recipe courtesy of “Family Table by                                          Recipe courtesy of “Family Table by
            Robert Irvine” on behalf of the Food                                         Robert Irvine” on behalf of the Food
            Marketing Institute Foundation                                               Marketing Institute Foundation
            Serves: 4                                                                    Serves: 12
                2  tablespoons butter                                                    Barbecue Sauce:

                                                                                             2  cups ketchup
                1  Spanish white onion,                                                      2  cups apple cider vinegar
                    chopped                                                                  1  cup Dijon mustard
                2  celery ribs, medium diced                                                 1  cup brown sugar
                3  carrots, small diced                                                      2  tablespoons cayenne pepper
                3  cups cooked, shredded                                                     2  tablespoons kosher salt
                    turkey (dark meat                                                        1  tablespoon black pepper
                2  tablespoons fresh tarragon,                                           Spice Rub:
                    chopped                                                                 1/2  cup kosher salt
                2  tablespoons fresh parsley,                                                 1/4  cup ground mustard
                                                                                            1/4  cup paprika
                    chopped                                                                 1/4  cup black pepper
                4  tablespoons all-purpose flour                                            1/4  cup cayenne pepper
                4  cups turkey stock                                                        1/4  cup ground white pepper
                    (or leftover gravy)                                                     1/4  cup seafood seasoning
                2  potatoes, peeled and                                                      2  tablespoons ground cumin
                    medium diced
                1  square prepared puff pastry                                               4  full racks St. Louis-style
                1  egg, beaten                                                                   ribs
            Heat oven to 375 F.                                                          To make Barbecue Sauce: In bowl,
              In medium saucepot, melt butter;                                           mix ketchup, vinegar, Dijon mustard,
            add onion and sweat 4 minutes. Add                                           brown sugar, cayenne pepper, salt
            celery and carrots; cook 4-5 minutes.                                        and black pepper. Transfer to thick-
              Add turkey and cook 4 minutes. Add                                         bottomed saucepot over medium-low
            tarragon, parsley and all-purpose flour;                                     heat. Allow sauce to warm and mix
            cook 4 minutes. Add stock and bring to                                       over heat 10-15 minutes, stirring
            simmer. Add potatoes and simmer until                                        continuously. Remove and cool.
            fork tender.                                                                   To make Spice Rub: In bowl, mix
              Pour filling into pie pan and top with                                     salt, ground mustard, paprika, black
            pastry. Brush pastry with egg.                                               pepper, cayenne pepper, white pepper,
              Bake pie 20-30 minutes, or until                                           seafood seasoning and cumin. Keep
            crust is golden brown.                         Photo courtesy of “Family Table by Robert Irvine”  dry and covered until ready to use.
                                                                                           Remove silver skin from bottom
                                                                                         side of ribs. Evenly rub each rack with
                                                                                         1/4 cup Spice Rub on top and bottom.
                                                                                         Wrap each in plastic wrap and keep
                                                                                         overnight in refrigerator or cooler.
                                                                                           Heat smoker with pecan or other
                                                                                         fruit wood to 165 F and maintain
                                                                                         temperature. Remove plastic and place
                                                                                         ribs in smoker 4 hours then check
                                                                                         doneness. Ribs should be cooked but
                                                                                         not falling off bone.
                                                                                           Remove ribs from smoker and
                                                                                         glaze each rack with 1/2 cup Barbecue
                                                                                         Sauce. Return to smoker 30-40
                                                                                         minutes. Remove and glaze again
                                                                                         with 1/2 cup sauce for each rack and
                                                                                         cook 20 minutes.
                                                                                           Remove ribs from smoker. Allow
                                                                                         to rest 5 minutes then cut into single
                                                                                         or double bone sections and serve.

                                                            Photo courtesy of “Family Table by Robert Irvine”
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