Page 50 - Robeson Living Fall 2019
P. 50

Peanut Power Bowl

         Peanut-Powered Protein

         Nutritious ideas for flavor-filled family meals

             FAMILY FEATURES                   Peanut Power Bowl                      1  cup spiralized zucchini or
                  itting down for a homemade   Recipe courtesy of Parker Wallace of         butternut squash
                  meal may feel harder to come   Parker’s Plate on behalf of the Georgia      1/2  cup pomegranate arils
                  by these days, but recipes   Peanut Commission                      1  cup mandarin pieces
            Sthat are both nutritious and      Prep time: 15 minutes                 1/2  cup roasted peanuts
             flavorful can help bring your loved   Servings: 2                          chopped cilantro, for garnish
             ones together at the family table.   Peanut Dressing:                      green onions, for garnish
               From morning to night, these        1  cup creamy peanut butter    To make Peanut Dressing: In bowl, whisk
             breakfast, dinner, side and dessert      3/4  cup full-fat coconut milk,    peanut butter, coconut milk and lime
             recipes from the Georgia Peanut           plus additional, if desired   juice until smooth. Add coconut milk, if
             Commission provide power-packed         lime juice                   necessary, to achieve desired consistency.
             solutions loaded with protein to                                      To make bowl: Layer farro or quinoa
             help your family take on a full    Bowl:                             then top with cabbage, carrots, avocado,
             schedule while coming together for      1  cup cooked farro or quinoa  zucchini or squash, pomegranate arils,
             memorable meals and moments.         1/2  cup chopped cabbage        mandarin pieces, peanuts and Peanut
               Find more recipe ideas for meals      1  cup shredded carrots      Dressing. Garnish with cilantro and
             throughout the day at      1  avocado, sliced         green onions.
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