Page 42 - Robeson Living Fall 2019
P. 42

Cape Fear Basket Makers Guild                    S71


           Pineview                                                                          Robeson County”
                                                                                                 “Gateway to

          Enterprises Inc.                                                                   Hours of operation Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm,
                                                                                                    Sat-Sun 10am-5pm
                                                                                                   163 Airport Blvd.
                                                                                                 Lumberton, NC 28358
                                                                                                   Bus: 910-739-6480
                                                                                             Email: [email protected]

          Stop by our store today and let us                           Open to the public

          take care of all your Golf Cart and
                        Trailer Needs!

                New                                                                      Pine Street the original Tyson is back!

            LocatioN!                                                                       THE BEST HOT DOGS,
            302 w. 3rd Street
               Nc 28372al Artists and Craftsman
               Pembroke                                                                     HAMBURGERS AND

                  will be at work demonstrating art.                                           FRIED CHICKEN
                                 13103 Hwy 74 W Alt
                   Sep. 27 - Oct. 5th  |  Al Parnell Building.
                                  Maxton, NC 28364
                                      910-521-2801                                In Memory of  5021 FAyETTEVILLE RD   2303 noRTH PInE sTREET
                                                                                    Mike       910-738-3996  910-272-9696                                                Tyson          2805 WEsT 5TH sTREET

              ĵ¢ ¡               Fayetteville State University  ĵž¢¡š


              1 2   H o u r   S e m e s t e r  1 7- 1 8   Tu t i o n   &   F e e s
                                 S o u r c e :   n o r t h c a r o l i n a . e d u

              R O B E S O N . E D U   |   ( 9 1 0 )   2 7 2 - 3 7 0 0

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