Page 41 - Robeson Living Fall 2019
P. 41


              Best In Show

            Alan Prevatte and Becky Parnell (910) 739-8681

            For Departments A - I and R, the judges will
            have the option to select a best entry in these

              departments. An additional $25 will be
                      awarded to the best entries.
               Sponsored by:  FLOYD BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION

                          HOME AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS

                               Coordinators: Alan Prevatte and Becky Parnell (910) 738-8681
                           ENTRIES TAKEN AT ONLY THESE DAYS & TIMES

                              Sunday, September 22, 1-6 PM  •  Monday, September 23, 4-8 PM
                             Tuesday, September 24, 4-8 PM • Wednesday, September 25, 4-8 AM
                     Suggested that cut flowers and baked goods be entered on Wednesday, September 25
         1.  All entries must be registered with the coordinators of the Exhibit Building. All exhibits must remain on display throughout the fair. Articles may be
           reclaimed by owner (ticket holder) on Sunday, October 7th between 1 and 5 PM Any article removed from the Exhibit Building before Sunday will
           forfeit any cash prize awarded to said article.
         2.  No person may enter more than one article in the same category. Collections or displays must be made up of articles other than those entered in single
           classes. All articles must have been prepared, made or grown by the exhibitor within the last twelve months to be eligible for judging.
         3.  Containers for entries in Departments A, B and C (cut flowers only) will be furnished by the Fair Board. Disposable protective covering is recommended
           for clothing and handiwork.
         4.  All entries will be judged Friday, Sept. 27, after 9 AM. No exhibitors will be allowed inside the display areas until all Judging is completed.
         5. If there is only one entry in a class, any prizes awarded will be at the judges’ discretion.
         6.  A grand prize of $100 will be awarded to the winner of the most blue ribbons in the Adult Division and $50 in the Junior Division.
         7. The coordinator may create additional classes at their discretion for articles not on a premium list.
         8. The Fair Board reserves the right to reject any entry not considered suitable for exhibit.

                        HORTICULTURE                             A-6-6  Blackberries (10)             $8    $5
                         – DEPARTMENT A –                        A-6-8  Pineapple                     $8    $5
                         Class 1 - Apples (Tray of 3)            A-6-9  Lemon                         $8    $5
                                              1st   2nd                      Class 7 - Pecans (25 Nuts, Not In Husk)
         A-1-1       Red Delicious            $8    $5                                                1st   2nd
         A-1-2  Golden Delicious              $8    $5           A-7-1  Stuarts                       $8    $5
         A-1-3  Any Other Red Variety         $8    $5           A-7-2  Any Other Variety             $8    $5
         A-1-4  Any Other Yellow Variety      $8    $5
                                                                                 Class 8 - Other Nuts (12 Nuts)
                           Class 2 - Figs (Tray of 4)                                                 1st   2nd
                                              1st   2nd
         A-2-1  Figs, Any Variety             $8    $5           A-8-1  Black Walnuts                 $8    $5
                                                                 A-8-2  Chestnuts                     $8    $5
                          Class 3 -Grapes (Tray of 12)           A-8-3  Any Other Variety of Edible Nut   $8   $5
                                              1st   2nd
         A-3-1  Muscadine Grapes, White Variety   $8   $5        A-8-5  Acorns                        $8    $5
                                                                       Hickory Nuts
         A-3-2  Muscadine Grapes, Black Variety   $8   $5
         A-3-3  Grapes – Other Muscadine      $8    $5
                          Class 4 - Pears (Tray of 5)
                                              1st   2nd
         A-4-1  Pears, Any Variety            $8    $5                            Class 9 - Beans and Peas  1st   2nd
                                                                 A-9-1  Green Beans, Whole-Pod Fresh (10)   $8   $5
                            Class 5 - Persimmons                 A-9-2  Green Beans, Dry Shelled (10)   $8   $5
                                              1st   2nd
         A-5-1  American (6 Fruits)           $8    $5           A-9-3  Lima Beans, Whole-Pod Fresh (10)   $8   $5
                                                                       Lima Beans, Shelled Fresh (10)
         A-5-2  Japanese (4 Fruits)           $8    $5
                                                                 A-9-5  Southern Peas, Whole Pod Fresh (10)   $8   $5
                                                                 A-9-6  Southern Peas, Shelled Dry/Fresh   $8   $5
                            Class 6 - Other Fruits               A-9-7  Dried Peas (Other)            $8    $5
                                              1st   2nd
         A-6-1  Pomegranates (Tray of 2)      $8    $5           A-9-8  Crowder Peas                  $8    $5
                                                                       Dried Beans
         A-6-2  Most Unusual Edible Fruit     $8    $5           A-9-10   Pole Beans                  $8    $5
         A-6-3  Peaches (2)                   $8    $5
         A-6-4  Raspberries                   $8    $5
         A-6-5  Bananas (2)                   $8    $5
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