Page 20 - Robeson Living Fall 2019
P. 20

From left are AirLife Flight Paramedic Nestor
                                                                              “Rico” Rivera, SRMC Emergency Services
                                                                            Medical Director Dr. Will McCammon, AirLife
                                                                              Flight Nurse Morgan Britt, SeHealth Chief
                                                                               Nursing Officer Renae Taylor, SeHealth
                                                                           Emergency Services Director Sonja Hilburn, and
                                                                                 Air Methods pilot Terry Stuthridge.

                                                                                                   By Roxana Ross

              New helicopter base saves 40 minutes for

                                              critical patients

          Southeastern Health staff are excited about the opening of   get a flight sent, it’s probably a 40-minute savings. Com-
          a new AirLife North Carolina base at the Lumberton Res-  paratively, it’s going to take five minutes to get an ambu-
          cue Squad. The new base means emergency and trauma    lance over here from the hospital.”
          patients who need to be airlifted will no longer have to
          wait for a helicopter to fly into Lumberton for transport,   Dr. Will McCammon, medical director of the emergency
          because one will be stationed in the city.            room at Southeastern Regional Medical Center, said this is
                                                                fantastic news for patients.
          Air Life is a division of Air Methods, one of the largest
          community-based providers of air medical services. Sev-  “Now that Air Methods has selected this as one of their
          eral emergency room and patient movement staff members   bases, we’re pleased to have them,” Dr. McCammon said.
          recently visited the facility to get a look at the new helicop-  “We have a high acuity base of patients that come to the
          ter and meet some of the AirLife staff.               hospital, and this is an expedited transport for patients re-
                                                                quiring critical interventions at other hospitals. Not having
          “This gives quicker access for our critical patients to be   to coordinate with outside agencies because we now have a
          flown out because it’s sitting right here,” said Southeastern   transport team within blocks of the hospital can make that
          Health Chief Nursing Officer Renae Taylor. “It’s a 30-min-  timeframe much shorter to get the patients the services they
          ute flight from Duke. When you factor in calling over to   need much faster.”

          Page 20                                                                        Robeson Living ~ Fall 2019
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