Page 16 - Robeson Living Fall 2019
P. 16
Fitness Tech Meekins
medals in
National Senior Games
By Roxana Ross
Southeastern Lifestyle Center for Fitness in Lumberton
Fitness Technician Julius Meekins is pictured with Aging
Specialist Ursula Selles, who reached out to him and
encouraged him to compete in the National Senior Games
in June, where he won a bronze medal in the 100-meter
dash. Selles is with the Lumber River Council of Govern-
ments’ (LRCOG) Area Agency on Aging.
Julius Meekins, a fitness technician for Southeastern COG) Area Agency on Aging. LRCOG coordinates the
Health’s Southeastern Lifestyle Center for Fitness in Lum- regional senior games, which includes heritage, visual, lit-
berton, says he has always been motivated by fitness. After erary and performing arts competitions, each year in April/
taking home the bronze medal in the 100-meter dash at the May.
National Senior Games in June, he’s hoping he also moti-
vates other seniors to be active, and maybe even compete. Residents of Robeson, Hoke and Bladen Counties who are
at least 50 years old can participate. Winners move on to
“When I got out there and saw the ‘real’ seniors competing, the state competition.
that made me motivated, too,” he said.
“We’re very proud of Mr. Meekins,” Selles said. “He repre-
This was Meekins’ first National Senior Games, which are sented North Carolina well.”
held every other year. Last year was his first time partic-
ipating in the local Lumber River Senior Games and he Meekins’ decision to compete might not have come as a sur-
ventured to the state level of the North Carolina Senior prise to those who know him. While Meekins has been a fit-
Games in Raleigh, which qualified him for nationals by ness technician at Southeastern Lifestyle Center for Fitness
placing first in the 100-yard dash and the standing long for the last four years, he also retired from a 32-year career
jump. The national games were held in Albuquerque, N.M. as a middle school health and physical education teacher
on Jun 16-18. in Robeson County. Before that, the 1978 Pembroke High
School graduate was a high school and collegiate athletic
“On Father’s Day, my daughter was at work texting me, standout. He still holds the indoor track and field record for
‘Good luck and don’t get hurt,’” he said. the long jump at The University of North Carolina, which
he set in 1982.
Meekins also credits Aging Specialist Ursula Selles, who
reached out to him and encouraged him to compete. Selles “I just appreciate the opportunity I’ve been given,” Meek-
is with the Lumber River Council of Governments’ (LR- ins said. “Not just in going to compete, but through life.
Page 16 Robeson Living ~ Fall 2019