Page 20 - Harnett Life Winter 2020
P. 20

Red-breasted Nuthatch

                   Winter Bird Watching 101

                                                                                       By Crissy Neville

       Winter is here and with it comes the birds. Our feathered   In other words, if you see these northern visitors in your back-
       friends play backup in the orchestra that is our daily lives —   yard this winter, it’s because they are hungry.
       ubiquitously whistling as we work and play, singing in good
       times and bad, and currently, harmonizing away the humdrum   The leading organization of all-things-bird, Audubon, reports
       of the winter landscape. Every few winters, the Southeast gets   the 2020-21 winter as witnessing the largest irruption of north-
       a bonus of birds in what it termed an “irruption year.”  Bird-  ern finches in recent history. The southward search for food
       watchers across North Carolina — Harnett and Robeson coun-  has affected all kinds of finches like common and hoary red-
       ties included — are the benefactors of this natural phenom-  polls, evening grosbeaks, pine grosbeaks, pine siskins, red and
       enon.                                                     white-winged  crossbills  and  purple  finches.  Other  than  the
                                                                 finch, other irruptive passerines like blue jays, bohemian wax-
       According to North Carolina Birding  Trail  Assistant Paula   wings and red-breasted nuthatches have also been on the move.
       Mandarino,  “irruption”  is when  a  species  of birds that  nor-  A passerine is any bird of the order Passeriformes, which in-
       mally migrates just a short distance moves farther south due   cludes more than half of all bird species. Sometimes known as
       to changes in available resources in their usual wintering spot.   perching birds or songbirds, passerines are distinguished from
       This  causes much  higher  counts of affected  species  farther   other orders of birds by the arrangement of their toes, which
       south. Less food and habitat for certain bird species in Can-  allow them to perch.
       ada has caused a large increase in these species here in North
       Carolina this winter. You may see more pine siskins and red-  Irruptions are birds’ response to the shortage in the food cycle
       breasted nuthatches at these sites during this time, and you   on which they depend — patterns that resemble feast or fam-
       may even get to spot certain rare birds for the state, including   ine. Many boreal trees supply an abundance of seeds in feast
       evening grosbeak and red crossbill.”                      years and starvation rations in others. Birds depend on these
                                                                 trees and move in response to their biological cycles, staying

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