Page 19 - Harnett Life Winter 2020
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and willing to work with students. I also appreciate that every   I attended NCSU (BS in Zoology) and Campbell (MS in Bio-
      attending dedicates their valuable time to our patients. Our at-  medical Sciences).  When I am not studying, I enjoy playing
      tendings have inspired me to continue my community service   my mandolin in local Irish Sessions – where people come to-
      when I am able to practice as a physician.                 gether to play traditional Irish tunes and share food and drink.
      Our patient population is extremely diverse and a majority mi-
      nority population – it reminds me of the prison population I   What drew you to volunteer with the CUCCC?
      worked with as a pharmacist..  We only serve the uninsured   Before I came to Campbell, I was a nursing assistant for many
      and being able to serve them is really inspiring.  Our patient   years. I still really enjoy taking care of others using my hands,
      population reflects a lot of the patient population I worked with   and I suppose this is the main reason why I love to volunteer
      in the prison system in that they were unlucky and are under-  at CUCCC. Also, there are many aspects of patient care that
      served, and they were surprised to have anyone interested in   cannot be taught in the classroom, and as a student doctor, I
      their health because they have never had that and our patients’   welcome any opportunity to learn and improve my patient care
      experiences have been the same.                            skills.

      What have you learned the most about your volunteer ex-    What do you enjoy most about volunteering?
      perience at CUCCC?                                         Improving my own skills is not the only reason, however; I
      I’ve learned that I still have a lot of experience to gain as a   believe strongly in teamwork in patient care. The CUCCC is
      medical student and future doctor.  Real-life patients are of-  very well organized and fosters a collaborative environment
      ten complex and I’ve learned the importance of looking at the   for students at any level of their training to help patients who
      whole picture, rather than simply looking at managing their   may not otherwise receive essential care. Even now with CO-
      illnesses.  As future doctors, it’s our job to ensure our patients   VID restrictions, the telemedicine visits are helping me learn
      have a safe, inclusive environment that supports a healthy life-  how to engage patients and make a difference in better ways
      style in addition to their healthcare needs.               despite barriers to health care – an essential skill for a caregiver
                                                                 to learn!
      Meet Wes Henderson, Class of 2023
      My name is Wes Henderson, and I am an MS-II.  I grew up in   For more information about the Community Care Clinic visit
      Greensboro, NC very close to the city of Pleasant Garden, and and call 910-505-0435.
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