Page 64 - Harnett Life Summer 2021
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5 Tips to
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(Family Features) During the warmer months, there’s often a avoid hanging laundry outside, as pollen can stick to clothes
great deal of shuffling and movement, including common al- and sheets as they dry, and ask for help with yardwork to limit
lergy triggers like trees, pollen, mold spores, dust and dander your exposure.
along with pesky sinus pressure. While more commonly as-
sociated with other seasons, summer allergies can be one big Find some pressure release. When nasal congestion or si-
pain – literally. nus pressure build, it can feel like a ton of bricks have landed
on your head. However, you can find relief with products de-
“Common triggers such as trees, pollen, mold spores, dust and signed to help clear up your stuffy nose, relieve headaches and
dander can wreak havoc for many,” Dr. Ian Smith, M.D., said. thin and loosen excess mucus. Often, if you’re experiencing
“Having a trusted multi-symptom reliever of upper respiratory sinus problems, you’re dealing with multiple symptoms. From
allergies like Mucinex Sinus-Max is absolutely key in making congestion to headaches and sinus pressure, an over-the-coun-
the season more enjoyable for all suffering from sinus and con- ter medicine like Mucinex Sinus-Max can break up your sinus
gestion issues. With a reliable multi-symptom product stashed symptoms with just one dose or your money back.
in your medicine cabinet, and the combination of simple modi-
fications like being mindful of your indoor climate, eating Manage your indoor climate. Even when you start spending
more fruits and veggies, and staying hydrated, can help limit more time outdoors, it’s important to keep close tabs on the
sinus discomfort this season.” quality of the air inside your home. If you’re prone to allergy
flare-ups or sinus infections, manage the humidity level by us-
Take steps this summer to ease the impact of sinus and allergy ing a humidifier or dehumidifier. If outdoor allergens are a con-
problems and focus on your overall wellness with these tips: cern, avoid opening windows and doors, and instead rely on
air conditioning on warmer days. Also be sure to change filters
Control your allergy and sinus triggers. Knowing what flares regularly and use an air purifier for added protection.
your allergic reactions can help prevent discomfort. For many
people, monitoring pollen counts and limiting time outdoors Keep fluids flowing. More time outdoors in warmer weather
on high-pollen days can help reduce reactions. You might also can quickly lead to dehydration, especially if you’re work-
Page 64 Harnett Life ~ Summer 2021