Page 62 - Harnett Life Summer 2021
P. 62
By Ashley McRae, Adult
EFNEP Assistant
Taking Charge of Heart Health
I was born with a hole in my heart, also known as a heart mur- able to identify the various colors, then learn how each is ben-
mur. At least once per month my parents would take me to have eficial to the body. For example, eating more white, yellow,
an electrocardiogram (EKG) done to measure my heart’s elec- red, and purple fruits or vegetables has the capacity of promot-
trical activity. It wasn’t until adolescence that my doctors in- ing a healthy heart, lowering cholesterol, and decreasing blood
formed us the hole had closed on its own. Every now and then pressure. According to the American Heart Association, when
my heart has the tendency to flutter, which can be alarming, yet shopping for groceries you want to consider foods that have the
it is a nice reminder to remain calm, allowing my heart to find Heart Check mark indicated on the packaging. These are foods
a steady rhythm. It also keeps me accountable for maintaining that have been researched to ensure you are truly purchasing
a lifestyle that promotes positive heart health. and consuming heart healthy foods. Choose foods low in sodi-
um or saturated fats, and be sure to purchase items high in fiber.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), “In the United States, the most common type of heart Additionally, increasing your physical activity can help in pro-
disease is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), which can lead to moting heart health. This would include any activities that
heart attack”. Added to this, individuals who have high choles- are moderate to vigorous, such as walking, gardening, yoga,
terol and high blood pressure stand a greater risk of developing jumping rope, or even line dancing. The CDC states that adults
heart complications. For some, knowing this information may should do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity
be disheartening; however, there are measures you can take to physical activity, or 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous-inten-
reduce the risk of developing heart disease. In the Expanded sity physical activity to maintain an active lifestyle. EFNEP
Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), participants encourages participants to “Eat Smart, Move More”. Dur-
learn the importance of incorporating more fruits and vegeta- ing each EFNEP session, adult participants are taught several
bles into their diets, and how this has the potential to decrease physical activity exercises that can be practiced at home as part
risk of chronic disease development. of the Move More component.
In the “Choosing More Fruits and Vegetables” EFNEP lesson, So you see, it is possible to take charge of your heart health. It
adult participants learn about vegetable and fruit preparation, just takes individual effort, practicing healthier eating habits,
safety, and how to guide their purchasing decisions. One idea and a willingness to not only commit, but stick to a physical
educators use to promote vegetable and fruit consumption with activity regime. Here is a simple yet healthy recipe to get you
participants is the “Eat the Rainbow” concept. Learners are started…
Page 62 Harnett Life ~ Summer 2021