Page 17 - Harnett Life Summer 2020
P. 17
What is P.L.U.S. Day?
How is technology integrated in the classroom?
Technology integration is utilized in developmentally appro- P.L.U.S. stands for Practical Learning Understood Through
priate ways at each grade level. We believe that technology Service. Each week, students experience typical learning days
can greatly enhance the content in many lessons. It can help Monday through Thursday. Fridays, however, look much dif-
students travel around the world and experience people and ferent. Students often learn a lot of new information but rarely
places they might not otherwise see in their lifetime, however, do they have the opportunity to put their new learning into
there is no substitute for face-to-face instruction that occurs practice in real world ways. At Brookside, this will not be the
between a great teacher and their students. We strive to ensure case. Each month, students will have a rotation of P.L.U.S.
all Brookside students are technologically literate and that they day experiences. These will include on-campus field trips and
understand the correct and proper ways to access information. guest speakers, cultural arts projects and guided art lessons
from professionals, problem-based learning through STEM
What does a typical school day look like for students at (science, technology, engineering, and math), and school-wide
Brookside? service project days. Students will hear from missionaries, sci-
entists, and community leaders as their learning becomes real
A day in the life of a Brookside student: Imagine going to a and relevant. P.L.U.S. days also serve to support and encour-
school where each morning, students burst through the doors to age cross-grade levels friendships as students work with grade
engage in a day filled with learning adventures. The students’ levels a year or two above and below their own. Brookside
daily routines at Brookside might look familiar but the aca- students will never want to miss school on Fridays!
demic excellence is anything but typical. A hands-on approach
to science while learning about God’s creation engages stu- How can I visit and experience Brookside for myself to de-
dents in Astronomy, Botany, and Zoology. History, Bible, and termine whether or not it is the right fit for my family?
Literature come to life as students create a timeline through the
centuries, pinpointing significant historical and biblical figures. You can currently visit Brookside for an individual family tour.
Robust literature begins in Kindergarten and carriers through This allows your family to ask questions, take a look a cur-
all grade levels as students read to experience history through riculum that will be used in the upcoming school year, and tour
the eyes of intriguing characters and engaging storylines. Un- the campus. Send a message to [email protected] or call
derstanding the why behind math is so important. Our math (910) 292-2107 to set up a time that works for your family.
classes take students from using a hands-on, concrete approach
into using pictorial representations of the same type of manipu-
lative items, and then into a standard algorithm approach. All
of these subjects join with weekly lessons in art, music, stem
lab, library, and directed physical education to round out each
Brookside day.
Harnett Life ~ Summer 2020 Page 17