Page 16 - Harnett Life Summer 2020
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Brookside: Come Experience the Difference
Every family wants what is best for their children when it comes level peers at Brookside. These classes are taught Monday
to education, but when searching for the right educational path, through Thursday during the school day. Additionally, stu-
where do you start? At Brookside Christian Academy, we want dents who attend other schools in our area may participate in
to take some of the guesswork out of the search! Below are our afterschool tutoring programs. These sessions are typically
the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we one-on-one and last one hour. They can be scheduled once or
receive when talking to families about their child’s education. multiple times per week. Students who are currently enrolled
in area public, private, or as homeschool students may attend
How do we see and understand education at Brookside? individual tutoring sessions.
The faculty at Brookside Christian Academy views all educa- How do students at Brookside learn? What about lost
tion through the lens of a Biblical worldview. Our day is built learning students might experience from recent school clos-
around creating a relationship with Jesus Christ. We know that ings?
our primary existence is to love and serve God. It is our desire
to love our extraordinary community through missional think- Brookside takes the role of educating children very seriously.
ing and practice, engaging those in our area with the message We not only consider how we can provide academic instruc-
of the gospel. We want parents to be confident in the knowl- tion to students but now more than ever, we also think about
edge that their child is building a spiritual foundation while how we can provide social emotional support for students and
receiving an academically rigorous education. their families as we reenter school this fall. We understand
and appreciate that things might look and feel a little different
What sets Brookside apart? going back to school after being away from traditional learn-
ing for nearly 6 months. As a staff, we are committed to pro-
Brookside Christian Academy is unlike any other school in viding high quality instruction from the first day, however, we
our area. Beginning on September 9th, 2020, Brookside will also understand the immense need to build community within
operate as a full-day private Christian school in grades rang- our school and build up to a strong working pace during the
ing from Kindergarten through eighth grade. However, though first few weeks of school. Jumping into a rigorous workload
we are serving fulltime students throughout the school day, we too quickly will result in unnecessary frustration for our stu-
believe that all students, regardless of their educational path, dents. Rather than trying to backtrack and fill in any gaps that
deserve the opportunity to experience a rigorous, exciting edu- might be present as a result of lost learning, we will begin with
cation. For that reason, current homeschool students may elect each child where they are and move forward from there with
to attend 1 or 2 classes daily on our campus through our Home- their instruction. Whether a student needs individual support
school Hybrid program. Homeschool Hybrid allows students to master concepts missed as a result of lost learning or they
to continue their homeschool education, while attending math, need enrichment to extend their learning beyond grade level
reading, science, or history/geography with their same-grade standards, we will support each student’s individual learning
Page 16 Harnett Life ~ Summer 2020