Page 16 - Harnett Life Spring 2021
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deaths, nursing home visitation rules are starting to open up show up. TV news crews and reporters did, too, eager to
a little. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Ser- share good news in a hurting world.
vices (CMS) is urging states to ease restrictions. Stay alert to
changes but beware that even as visits resume, steps will still “Brian Mims from channel 5 came, and so did other news
be in place for some time to come to maximize safety and outlets. The story went viral, and the next thing I knew,
minimize health risk. friends from the beach were calling, and strangers in Flor-
ida were reaching out,” Surles shared. “That Saturday, one
While COVID and its aftermath are new, our nation’s most man who was greatly touched called and said he knew if
mature adults’ isolation and loneliness are not. And though his mama were still living, she would have said to ‘come to
the pandemic has amplified the problem, Project Not Forgot- pick up the check.’ So, he had a check on my desk Monday
ten purposes to make a positive difference. morning.”
“It was the Friday before Labor Day of 2020 when I start- That was last September. Project Not Forgotten volunteers
ed putting this idea together,” Surles reflected. “I shared my met and made deliveries a few more times in 2020 year.
thoughts on Facebook, and people immediately responded, Right off the bat, Surles’ friend and Dunn community leader
asking how they could help, offering services, meeting sites Sharon Stevens stepped up to see how she could help.
and funds. For our first work session, I arrived at 7 a.m., and
people just started showing up in large numbers. It was so “With the response so sudden and at times overwhelming, a
emotional for me; I literally had to step outside. That weekend group of us met with Jeffrey and began getting the process
numerous men and local business leaders called to tell me organized,” Stevens said. “With the help of some Dunn pro-
about their loved ones in nursing homes or deceased family fessionals, we became incorporated with a board of directors
members. They made substantial donations. It all started on and became a 501(c)(3). Once I realized that this is truly a
a Friday, and within five days, thousands of dollars had been unique giving back opportunity to make someone else feel
given and a board of directors set up. It started growing and good and have a better day, I knew I wanted to be involved.”
has gotten bigger each time.”
. Continuing, she shared, “Both of my grandmothers spent
At that first gathering, volunteers were not the only ones to their last years in nursing home facilities. I saw how a short
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