Page 20 - Harnett Life Winter 2020
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Something Different in Local Education

      Situated in the heart of Dunn, sits the area’s newest private,   ergy, academically rigorous environment while maintaining a
      Christian  school,  Brookside  Christian Academy.  Brookside   Biblical worldview.  History and literature come to life through
      currently  serves students ages Pre-K through  Grade 12 and   a dynamic curriculum that weaves each child’s place in God’s
      challenges  them to embrace  academic  rigor in a Biblically-  universe into a tapestry of those who have come before them.
      based, Christ-centered environment.  This is done through af-  Likewise, math and science are seamlessly combined through
      terschool tutoring, STEM summer camps, Kindergarten Read-  the lens of God’s creation for students in Kindergarten through
      iness events, and a homeschool hybrid collaboration model.    Grade 6 as preparation for subjects like Chemistry, Calculus,
      However, beginning in September of 2020, Brookside will op-  and Physics.
      erate as a K-8+ independent Christian day school.
                                                                 The staff at Brookside believes in the power of contagious cu-
      A day in the life of a Brookside student will be an education-  riosity and that every student they encounter possesses genius.
      al adventure unlike any that local students have ever experi-  They know that as educators, it is their responsibility to help
      enced.  One big difference can be found in the structure of the   students determine  their  strengths and cultivate  knowledge.
      school week. Brookside will run on a 4 Day-P.L.U.S. sched-  Because true education comes from doing, not just from know-
      ule.  Though students will attend classes at Brookside Monday   ing.
      through Friday, each Friday will be a P.L.U.S day.  P.L.U.S.
      stands for Practical  Learning  Understood through Service.
      Volunteering with local community organizations, hosting on-  The  desire  of Brookside Christian Academy  is to  serve the
      campus visitors and guest missionary speakers from around the   Dunn community through missional thinking and practice, en-
      world, experiencing a variety of on and off-campus field trips,   gaging those in the area with the message of the gospel.  They
      cultural arts programs, and lots of real world, hands-on science   want to love the community by meeting the educational needs
      and engineering projects are just some of the ways students   of its families.  Instead of merely existing in a Christian cul-
      will spend their Fridays throughout the year.              ture, they strive to live out each day on mission, knowing their
                                                                 primary reason for existence is to love and serve God.
      The idea behind Brookside Christian Academy came from two
      local educators who have a passionate for all students despite   The school is hosting Brookside Blueprint days in March in
      their school background.  In their opinion, public school, pri-  order for interested families to tour the campus and ask any
      vate school, and homeschool students all deserve a high-quality   questions they have.
      educational experience.  The heart of Brookside is to meet the
      educational needs of students and families who feel that tradi-  March 9, 6:30 p.m.
      tional school options have not met the needs of their families.    March 20, 12:00 p.m.
                                                                 March 28, 12:00 p.m.
      Brookside Christian is concerned with both the spiritual and
      intellectual well being of every student.  The founders of the   For more information call 910-292-2107 or visit www.brook-
      school, Betsy Dean and Cortney Gordon, believe these are not
      mutually exclusive.  They know students can learn in a high-en-                                            Page 20
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