Page 18 - Harnett Life Winter 2020
P. 18
A Fresh Start! 2Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, more thoughtful in the winter, which for some could produce
he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all feelings of hopelessness and even depression. The slower we
things are become new. live, the more apt we are to think about the shortcomings in our
lives, the failures we have experienced, the disappointments
The Spring of the year represents the potential for a fresh start. we have had and how they have impacted our lives. Reflec-
Plants and flowers that have been silent during the winter tion does not have to result in despair, even if it is true that we
months, frozen in time by the winters grasp, suddenly awaken have failed miserably. The reminders that we have not been
at the scent of springtime and the soft gentle breeze that blows perfect in our decisions, our judgements and our actions, can
across the landscape. This awakening is a signal that the pos- serve us as stepping-stones to a better future, if we will grant
sibility of fresh, beautiful flowers is once again laying hold on ourselves the right to a fresh start. Many have been the times
what appeared to be lifeless and hopeless. All of creation is set when I had to confront my own weaknesses, faults and fail-
on course to experience renewal and restoration from time to ures. I could have made excuses and continued the same path,
time. or I could have lived in denial that I even had weaknesses and
faults. Wisdom challenged me to be honest with myself. Cour-
Life in the human experience also gives us seasons. There are age challenged me to not give up. My faith stood up within me
those times that remind of the summer, when things get really and demanded that I practice what I have been preaching for
busy, when the days are longer, and we have the added respon- almost 50 years. Look ahead, not behind. Embrace your future
sibilities of the outside to care for. and reject the temptation to dwell on your past. There is always
the possibility of a fresh start.
There are periods in our life that may well seem like the Fall. A
time of harvest. When we reap the rewards of our labor and our A fresh start in life may look frightening. It may feel threaten-
barns are full and running over. Fall can also be a time of dis- ing. It rarely is entirely comfortable. It may challenge us to
appointment, when we discover that the harvest we had hoped think differently, act differently and to share it with some folk
for, labored for, planned for, somehow disappears. who make us uncomfortable. But it may be the very change
that will take us to the place in life that will yield us our best
At last, Fall yields itself to the winter cold. The pleasant eve- days and our greatest joy. Don’t be afraid of something new.
nings on the porch give way to a compelling need and desire Don’t be afraid to move on beyond your life as you know it
to curl up close to a heater. Its not a bad season altogether. now.
It just depends on your perspective. But for most people, life
slows down in the wintertime. Life become less predictable in Fresh starts should be seen as gifts of Grace. Christian people
the wintertime. I am inclined to think that maybe people are believe in the Sovereignty of God. That means that ultimately,
Page 18 Harnett Life ~ Spring 2020