Page 7 - Harnett Life Spring 2019
P. 7
Bearded Goose located in downtown Dunn
Imagine standing on a sidewalk. The scene in front of you: himself included - Graham wears a suit every day. Frank
the cars, the people, the birds - everything is moving as its Sinatra may set the tone for clients in the morning, and
normal pace; the buildings, the trees, the street signs are Johnny Cash might close things down, but no matter who
stationary as they should be, but not all is as it seems. The is playing in the background, all the barbers will be well
earth on its axis is always moving, slowly and just so, that dressed under their white coats.
we know it’s happening, but at the same time don’t realize
it’s happening. As technology advances, all things digital The waiting area is line of mismatched - in the best way -
and computerized are becoming the norm for many busi- wooden chairs along the right hand side of the shop, areas
nesses. In every regard, the business is running a race with of exposed brick shine though the plaster on this wall, and
itself, prompting the unsolvable puzzle of how to increase in the center of the chairs is a 1940’s refrigerator full of
efficiency - how to get more done next time in less time. glass bottled soft drinks. Each barber’s station, on the left
side of the shop, has a different wooden dresser where their
On the sidewalk looking out, the world around you, as tools are stored. A shoeshine station that came out of an old
you already know, is spinning. The longer you stand, but courthouse in Richmond, Virginia sits in front corner of the
without actually seeing it happen, you notice something shop, immediately to the right. Graham said he drove to
has changed. You are suddenly stationary in the center of Virginia and back in one day to purchase it, to save it from
a whirlwind of color, everything around you moving so being thrown away. Noting that pieces like this shoeshine
quickly, it’s just a blur. stand are rare finds. “It’s cool that it’s got that history,” he
This is the effect technology has had on every aspect of our
lives, it creeps in ever so slowly, and it’s hard to recognize Originally from East Tennessee, Graham was in the Air
the magnitude of how dependant on it we have all become, Force for 20 years and retired while at Seymour Johnson
until something or someone captivates our attention long Air Force Base in Goldsboro. He had some barber expe-
enough to point it out, and that is the goal of Biff Graham, rience on and off in the military: he and his buddies just
owner of Bearded Goose 77 Barber Shop in Dunn. took turns with the clippers to avoid having to pay for hair-
cuts, with most not turning out quite like they planned, he
Drawing inspiration from 1940’s and 1950’s styles, Gra- laughingly described. After his Air Force days, still doing
ham designed his shop in such a way that it authentically haircuts on the side, but with much improved skills, Gra-
captures this vintage aesthetic, and has the old school feel ham got a job as a truck driver. Some days he would drive
he wanted his clients to experience. Music choices are in- the big rigs, and other days would have smaller hauls, so
tentional, he said, as are dress requirements for the barbers, he would drive a pick-up truck with a gooseneck trailer be-
Harnett Life~ Spring 2019 Page7 Page 8